Chapter Thirty-Five Safe

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I grabbed the notebook and started to write some lyrics. I grabbed the guitar. I played a few notes, but it didn't seem right. I crumpled up the paper, threw it somewhere, and started over. The door opened. It was Liam, "Hey, I found it!" He paused, "What are you doing?"

I looked up at him, "Dixie want me to sing, so this song is going to be for her."

"You're going to write a song for her in less than a day?"

"Yeah, it shouldn't be that hard."

"Paisley, it takes a long time to write songs."

"When it really means something, people will write them in seconds."

"You're crazy."

"Shit! I need an outfit!"

"Well, you already have the dress."

"Only that though."

"Well, you're already singing and wearing a dress for her."

"Liam?! I need you to go get the black pair of sparkley TOMS, the necklace with a black heart, the black rose earings, and the black bracelet with an infinity sign on it. It's all in my closet."

"Alright." I got back to my song while Liam was in the closet. Then I thought of it.

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound."

I couldn't stop after that. I got all of the lyrics down. Now I needed the guitar part. As I started the guitar, Liam came out with everything. "Alright, where do you want it all?"

"Put it down near the dress." He walked over, and put it all down. "Paisley, I think you need some rest." I checked the clock. One Forty-Two A.M.

"I'm not tired, I'm almost done anyway. You go on to sleep. I think I heard all of the boys when you were grabbing my things."

"Okay," he walked over to me, then kissed the top of my head, "good night," he said then left out the door. I looked back down at the music sheet. I heard the door open again. Liam's head popped through it. "I almost forgot," he said, "love you Pais. Remember if you have any troubles I'm right here for you."

I smiled, "Love you too Liam." Then he left.

It was about three o'clock in the morning when I finally finished the song. I got up and went towards the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes.


The place was filled with friends and family. Then surrounded with paparazzi on the outside. I was in the back room. Alone. I haven't seen any of the boys. They were out of the house when I woke up, and my family were all getting ready. I was looking out the window, luckily the paparazzie didn't find this window, they were all in the front. My hair was curled. I just had a little bit of make-up on.

The room I was in was small. It had purple walls, and white tile floors. There was a dark green couch, two loveseats the same color, and a wooden table. On the table were bottles of water, tissues, cookies, and flowers. There were two windows. There was a decent sized chandelier on the ceiling.

I sat down on the couch and started strumming the guitar. Then the door flung open. I jumped up. It was Louis. He opened his mouth about to talk. "Louis quiet, I don't want anybody knowing I'm in here!" I said to him.

"Okay," he came in and closed the door behind him.

"Thanks Lou."

"Hey Paisley?"


"Do you want to hear a cat joke?"

"Not really Lou."

"Are you kitten me?!"

I started to laugh, "Only Louis Tomlinson can make me laugh on a day like this."

"It's Louis the Tommo Tomlinson."

I laughed some more, "So how are you holding up?"

"I'm just lost." I nodded in agreement. "Liam's looking for you."

"Oh, okay," I said getting up with Louis. I hugged him, then he left to go and get Liam.

A tear streamed down my face. I walked back over to the window. The window touched from the floor to ceiling. I stared into the sky. It was a gray color. Cloudy. Boring. Sad. This day could not get any worse. The door made a click, and opened. Liam came walking in straight towards me. He wrapped his warm arms around me. Then let go, and said, "I know you didn't get any sleep last night." I laughed. "Come on, it's about to start," he said taking my hand.

"Will you sit next to me?" I asked stopping infront of him.

He smiled and nodded, "You have your speech?" I froze, "I have a speech?"


"And now Paisley Parker with a speech about her cousin, Dixie." I stood up from my seat, nothing in hands. I felt like I was going to break down infont of everybody. I made my way to the podium, with a picture of Dixie next to me. I got closer to the microphone. I cleared my throat, opened my mouth, and started.

"Hi. As many of you know I'm Dixie's cousin, I'm her only one. We didn't see each other that much since she lived here in America, and I lived back home in Britain. As many of you also know, Dixie was very talented in the art of fashion. Well, my whole outfit today is her. Everything. So I just want to start with the shoes I'm wearing.

These shoes I'm wearing are TOMS. They are sparkley because everytime I looked into her eyes, they would sparkle. Then my second reason is because of the name. TOMS also is in the last name Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson was Dixie's best friend. They were both just as sassy to one another. They were two peas in a pod.

The bracelet has an infinity sign on it meaning that she will forever be in my heart. Then the heart bracelet means that she will never leave my heart. The earrings I'm wearing are roses. Her favorite flower was a rose, and she loved the smell of them.

This dress really shouldn't be worn at events like this. Well, Dixie hand stitched this herself. She always loved this color. I found this dress from clues she left me. Anyway, I love Dixie. She is and always will be everything to me. Thank you." I smiled wiping a tear from my face, and walked back to me seat next to Liam. He wrapped his arms around me, and I started to cry. He tucked my head into his shoulder, and whispered into my ear, "I'm here for you." I stayed like that until the end of the ceremony.


"As a request from Dixie, her cousin Paisley and good friend Liam will sing a song for her," I heard the person on the stage say. I walked in front of the stage, looked through a tiny crack to the crowd, and froze.

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