Chapter Ten Planes

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I really wanted to slap my dad in the face. I mean come on! Did he have to do that?! Ugh. Well, who cares. I'm done with him. I'm happy the oldest cousin I have is ten. I can make friends that are my age, sixteen. Hopefully I'll make friends with a girl, no more boys. Like I said its going to be a new me!

We finally boarded. And started on the runway. Luckily we had extra time in the airport, so I grabbed five magazines, gum, a romance book by Nicholas Sparks, and some shades. I figured I would get bored, and I really didn't want to talk to my dad.

We were up in the air by three o'clock. Sorry I have to get used to time in America. I plugged my headphones into the side of my seat to listen to the TV in the front of the plane. I opened up my first magazine. Oh, how I love seeing the new British boy band on the first few pages! Not. Really!? Why?! I read it to see what the article said. Of course it was about how amazing they are. Surprise there. I decided to get some shut eye after I was finished with the first magazine. Waste some time.


I woke up and we were starting to land. "Whoa, Dad was I asleep for that long?" I asked him rubbing my eyes. "Yes, and might I say, welcome to our new home," he said opening up the shad next to the window. All I saw was a field filled with corn for miles and miles. It's fascinating!

We were finally off with luggage, and then I saw my cousin, aunt, and uncle. Great! "Try to be nice," my dad whispered into my ear putting a smile on his face. I did the same to make them think I was happy to move across the world after the worst past weeks of my life.

"Hi Paisley!" little Dixie said. Dixie was my ten year old cousin. She is really small for her age. She has blonde hair and green eyes and pretty tan. She jumped into my arms. I have to admit, that made me smile for real. She is adorable, and I did miss her. "Our rooms are right next to each other! I can't wait for you to see it!" She said quickly.

We all grabbed bags and headed to their mini van and truck. We were all loaded up, then we headed to my new home. And I haven't seen it before, because ever since I visited them a couple summers ago, they moved into a nice spacious home. Good, I need space.

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