Chapter Four Results

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It felt like ages waiting for the results. First he had to sing again, I wasn't so worried about that, he did amazing for his first audition. We went and watched many people do the exact same song, but then Liam was up. You could tell he was nervous. I heard that he couldn't get the song at first, but hopefully he will get it. Once he sang, he was through to bootcamp.

Now, we couldn't watch bootcamp, so we decided to go shopping for a while, to keep our minds off things. I got about five tops, three denim shorts, and four pairs of jeans. Then some jewelry. I don't even know what Karen got, but I could tell there were some things for Liam, Nicola, and Ruth in all of those bags. It actually took up most of our day, but I was still worried.

I remember the first think I got from Liam, a little bracelet. It was neon green with hearts on it. It was after I helped him out, he was going to give it to his mum, but he thought I should have it. It still fits me to this day, he had to make it so it would fit his mum, so it was like a normal bracelet when I wear it. I decided that I would wear it to his competitions, every Saturday night, while he was singing. I think it will be good luck, you know, keeping our friendship and stuff. I really wanted to tell Liam, but I figured that he would be drained after what he has been doing for the past three days. I figured just to wait until he wanted to talk to me.

Anyways, after being busy for the past few days, it was finally time to see if Liam made it or not. I started getting butterflies. Karen and I just sat there on our two separate beds, with the television. Then I got a text:

Liam:P - Are you watching?

Me - Yeah, wanna tell me now? :)

Liam:P - Nope! :)

Me - Liam James Payne! I know you made it!

Liam:P - Not exactly.

Me - What?

Me - Liam what happened?

They decided to do the ladies first, great more butterflies. Liam never replied to me, I started getting really nervous. Not exactly? What was that supposed to mean? I grabbed the bracelet. I needed luck, he already knows, but I don't. I just need it.

The boys were finally up after thirty minutes. I was almost ready to throw up. Karen stayed calm on the outside, but I could tell she was nervous on the inside. They started announcing names. I saw him standing there. I started praying to hear his name called out, but it wasn't. I started to cry. I was about to die, my best friend just lost his dream, and now will be back at the airplane factory. Then I heard something from the television. I didn't know what, but it sounded like they were doing something, and big.

I got up really close to the television. They went to find four girls. They all were waiting looking around having no clue what was going on. Then they went to get five boys. Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam. Karen and I wouldn't take our eyes off of the tele. We were practically glued. Somebody started calling me to FaceTime, it was Liam. I answered. "Liam what is going on?!" I said firmly to him.

"Just wait," he said to me. They started talking again.

"Shut your mouth Liam!" I said looking back up to the screen. Three judges were sitting there. Everybody was looking around.

Then I heard my luck. Those magical words. "We decided to put you both through." We both started to scream. I just collapsed to the ground. I started to cry. I was so excited. Karen snatched my phone, which was on the ground. "I'm so proud of you honey. I love you!" she said smiling wiping a tear off of her face.

"Can I talk to Paisley?" he asked. I of course was still on the ground in shock. I looked up, and already saw the screen of my phone in front of my face, with him laughing through it. I started laughing too.

"You scared me half to death!" I said to him.

"Haha, do you want to meet them?" he asked me.

"No!" I said firmly.

He cocked his head to the side, "Why not?"

"I don't want them knowing about me, I want to be your little secret. No fame, no Paisley!" I said to him shaking my head.

"Alright," he said frowning.

"Well, you can tell them about me, but not yet. I want you guys sticking together, after X Factor is over," I said to him. He smiled a little, then somebody said something from the background then his smile turned to a frown.

"I have to go to sleep, we have rehearsals tomorrow," he said with giving another small smile.

"Have fun," I said.

"I love you both!" he said. Then he logged off. We went to bed that night without the nerves. Until next week. Judges house, I know Liam is very nervous for this one.

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