Chapter Thirty-One My Move

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I stayed in his arms crying for hours, all of the boys came in around 9:30 A.M. I just sat on the edge of my bed, while they got stiuated. We were all silent. Niall, of course, started to laugh. I have to admit, he even made me smile.

"Niall!" Harry shouted hitting his shoulder.

"What?!" Niall asked rubbing his shoulder.

"You don't laugh!" Harry said hitting him again, on the shoulder.

"Just trying to lighten the mood mate!" Niall said, then they both were on the ground tackling each other. I started laughing. Everybody stopped and looked at me. "What?" I asked.

They all smiled at me, and not those fake smiles that you give to people, just to make them feel good, it was a real smile. Then Niall's mouth dropped, he got up off of the ground, and ran over to my guitar. He just pointed at it. "Sure, you can play it," I said to him. He grabbed it, and sat down on the floor leaning against the wall.

"So, what's going to happen?" Liam asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You," he said.

I knew he meant singing. I just looked deep into his eyes. Then finally said, "I'm made to." Liam smiled.

I realized that Louis wasn't saying much. He just sat there, looking down. I went over and hugged him. He hugged back. "You miss her?" he asked me.

"Yeah, you?" I asked him.

"More than ever," he said letting go. I smiled at him. My phone vibrated. I looked at it, and saw that it was Mason.


"Paisley! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good."

"What are you doing right now?"

I got up, and they all stared at me. The incall volume was kind of loud, so they all heard him. "Just catching up with some old friends," I said smiling at them. They all smiled back.

"Well, I need to see you."

"Mason, I'm a little busy."

"Well, your with some friends, so?"

"You won't like them."

"I bet I will. I'll be over in ten," he said, then hung up the phone. Great! Liam has always wanted to meet him, but I don't want them near eachother. They all looked at me. Confused.

"I have to go take a shower. Be nice to him," I said. They all nodded, Louis had that little kid evil look. I grabbed some jeans and a t-shirt, then went to take a second shower for today. I blared the music to clear my head. It usually meant that I was going to be in the shower for about thirty minutes, so don't bother me.

(Liam's POV)

She looked worried. She went to go and take a shower. When I heard the music playing really loud, I knew that she was going to be in there for a while.

We just sat there. I could tell Louis was hurt, but he turned a little bit back to normal when he found out that Paisley was going through the exact same pain he is. "Do you think they have carrots in America?" Louis asked us.

Of course Niall laughed. We all just looked at him, kind of a "are you kidding me?" look. Louis picked up a pencil from her desk and threw it at me, I caught it, he made a grumpy face. After a couple of minutes went by, the door bell rang. We all went running down the stairs. Niall and Louis slid down the banister. Typical. We all got to the door and just stood there. "Follow my lead," Louis said. Oh now this is going to be fun.

"Ello mate! How is it in the good young America?!" he said opening the door. I think this lad is Paisley's boyfriend. Tan guy, blonde hair, green eyes, muscular, my height.

He looked really confused. "I know who you guys are," he said walking in. Louis all of a sudden, went running off. The boys just followed him, but didn't run. They simply just walked, but Niall went in a different direction.

"Niall wrong direction!" I shouted to him. Then of course all of them shouted at once, "One!" Mason laughed. I looked at him, then realized that my phone was upstairs in Paisley's room. "Um, I'll be back," I said to him, then ran up the steps.

As I went into her room, and heard a familiar song. "What Makes You Beautiful." How did she get it? We finished recording just last week. Us five lads are the only ones who have the song right now. Which mate sent her it?

(Harry's POV)

Okay, so I might have sent her the song.

(Paisley's POV)

Yeah, Harry sent me the song.

(Liam's POV)

It just started, so it was still on the part where the guitar was playing. Then came my part. She started singing along with me. She went right with it. Kind of like she was supposed to sing in the song too. It was perfect. I just leaned against the door, and heard her sing.

Once the song was done, the shower turned off, so I quickly got out of her room, and headed back down stairs. Before I turned the corner to the steps, I heard Mason on the phone.

"Yeah babe, I'll be there tonight. Don't worry, she has her friends here. Yeah, those guys. She doesn't and won't know about us. Can't wait to see you babe." I came running down the stairs, acting like I heard nothing. He put his cell phone in his pocket. Paisley came walking down, and Louis screamed.

She had wet hair, and clothes that she wore practically everyday. Jeans and a t-shirt. Typical Paisley.

"Mason, this is Liam," she said pointing towards me, "and Liam, this is Mason."

"Sup," Mason said nodding his head.

"Hi!" Louis shouted coming in with some carrots in hand. Then all the boy came on out.

"Alright, this is the rest of the band," she said, "Niall, Harry, Zayn, and Louis." Of course, Louis threw a carrot at Niall. All of a sudden I saw a carrot heading right towards Mason. I watched him. Instead of getting hit, he caught it. That's my move!

"What are you doing here?" Paisley asked smiling.

"To check on you," he said hugging her.

"That's so sweet!"

"Look, I'm stuck watching my little bro tonight, so I have to get going," he said kissing her. He gave me a look like he knows I caught him. Then he left. I don't like him. Not one bit.

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