Chapter Fifty-Seven I Won't

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"Are you boys ready for the concert?" some guy asked.

"Like always, we know our songs, we have fun, and the fans will be there." Zayn answered.

"Paisley, are you?" the same guy asked.

I smiled, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Paisley, what's your relationship with Liam?" a woman asked.

I looked at him, he winked at me, "The same as it has always been."

They kept asking questions to the boys, I kind of just zoned out of everything. I thought about what my relationship with Liam really was. I don't think it's the same, I think it's more. I think I really do love him, but what do I know? He will be leaving soon anyway, and my career is finally taking off. It's not like we'll actually have time to see eachother. There's just no way, and I doubt he likes me, he's got millions of girls chasing after him, I'm just the friend. Yeah, just the friend. I saw the boys getting up to leave. The press started asking so many questions. The boys just waved bye. Many pictures were being taken. I just got out, then we were entering a door. I ran up to Lou.

"Hey Lou!?"

"What?" he asked stopping.

"I'm tired, give me a ride?" I asked smiling, and making a little kid smile.

"Just because I love you!" he said. Then turned around and I hopped on his back. "Onward!" I said putting my fist up in the air. He started running out the doors, and many girls were there. My arms were wrapped around him as he ran. We kept laughing. Then we got to the car, "Thanks Lou, I don't know how I would've gotten here without you."


Five hours later, we finally got to leave practice. The boys still don't know my songs. They would be doing something totally different while I perform, and I would just watch them practice. I would make funny faces, dance on stage with them, or run around the seating arrangement. Sophie was with me, I mean she will be on stage with me the whole time so we did all of the fun stuff together. Today we acted like we were screaming fans, we took the first thirty minutes to make signs saying 'I have carrots!' and 'I love you!" they were sparkley and huge. The boys got a kick out of it.

After rehersals, we got into the limo, and had the night. It was only six. "How about we go hang at our place?" Sophie offered. Everybody looked at me, I nodded in agreement. They all cheered. We got there pretty quickly. They all went running into the kitchen, and I went to my room.

I sat my bags on my desk chair. I plugged in my phone to its charger, it was almost dead. I put my hair up in pony tail. I changed into a t-shirt, sports bra, and shorts. I walked over to my window. The busy streets down below me, people rushing home to their families. I shut my eyes, and breathed in and out.

I want my family back. Something about today makes me want the old days back. I imagined back home in Wolverhapmton. Sneaking out of my room to go see my best friend. Then I saw Dixie, I saw her beautiful smile. It made me smile. I opened my eyes. A tear escaped my eye. It was warm as it fell down my cheek. I started laughing. I heard my door open. I turned around to see Liam standing there. He made me smile. Everytime I see him now, I smile.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" he asked as he jumped on my bed. I laid down next to him.

"Just getting some me time," I said looking at him.

"Well, I can leave if you want me to," he said acting like he was going to get up. I just watched him laughing. I knew he wouldn't. He slowly started walking to the door. "No! Come back! I'm bored!" I said being all dramatic. He jumped back on the bed next to me.

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now