Chapter Twenty-Eight Learn To Forget

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(Paisley's POV)

I woke up with a horrible head ache. I was warm though. I didn't remember much from last night. Just blood, lots of blood. But there was something else. Something magical. Something no...I kissed Liam. Shit! I did not mean to do that. I started to get up, then I felt somebody come up to help me balance. I looked up and saw Liam. He smiled, I smiled back to him.

"I won't tell," he said.

"Thank you," I said smiling, he nodded. That makes me relieved. He knows that I don't want anybody knowing, and I bet he doesn't either.

"Come on, your plane leaves in a couple of hours," he said grabbing my luggage. We walked down the steps. I saw Dixie hugging Louis, then Sophie and Niall kissing. Everybody started grabbing our bags and taking them out to the car. After that, everybody went out, and I hugged my mum, told her I loved her, then I got in the van.

"So, when will we visit?" Louis asked.

"Not sure, I think we will get situated back in America and start up school," Sophie said, "oh and Paisley, you're not going to a normal school." Everybody stopped what they were doing.


"Our school only will teach what you need to know for a career. So we are in the musical part of school. Mason and all those boys are in the athlete area, then there is the theatre, and the computer nerds, fashion designers, writers, business, and so on. Even Dixie is going here."

"Dixie what are you?" I asked her.

She smiled, "Fashion."


"Yeah, I even skipped some grades. I designed most of the cloths in your closet."

"No kidding."

"I'll show you my favorites when we get back."

"Alright. So what do we do?"

"Well, we do anything that involves music, mainly pop, and things that are in today. People could write songs, sing them, and even might sell them to artist. We might come together with the computer nerds and make music videos. Or meet with celebrities and sing with them."

"What if we came!?" Niall shouted.

"I'll call dibs on playing with you." Sophie said, then Niall winked to her.

"So we do anything?"

"Yeah, our teacher is amazing. He lets us do anything. If we want to be outside for the day, we'll have class outside. One time he let us dress up like homeless people and we sang for money on the streets. We made about nine-hundred dollars that day."

"Sounds cool." We pulled up to the airport and all piled out and walked inside. We got the tickets and gave our bags to the people managing all luggage for this flight.

"This is it," Harry said. Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Niall all hugged us, then I waited for Liam. Dixie gave him her favorite necklace so the he won't forget about her and Liam kissed her cheek. He hugged Sophie, then it was my turn. He walked up to me, and gave me a hug, while hugging me, he whispered, "Just forget." Then let go.

He kissed my cheek and said, "Don't let me ruin your life." He hugged me again, then we left the boys standing there to watch us get onto the plane. Before boarding, I looked back at them, and then Liam. I smiled and waved, he did too. Next thing I knew, I was sitting on a plane ready to take off to America.

(Liam's POV)

As I watched Paisley leave, I knew we were done. I knew she had to forget about me, and I knew that she knew it too. I knew that she needs to live her life on her own, without me in her way. I knew that was it. I looked at the necklace in my hand. It was black, then had a "DX" on it for Dixie. I knew that that might be the last time I would see her.

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