Chapter Eight Last Goodbye's

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The boys finished in third place. I guess this lucky bracelet wasn't so lucky after all. Now, I need to tell them. I went to Karen first. She started to cry, I just told her that everytime I would come home and see my mum, I would come and see her. After that, it was my job to tell Liam. Karen told the rest of the family, but she didn't want to tell Liam, she knew it would hurt both of us. He was coming home to visit before starting his new job, so I would tell him then.


I waited in his room. I figured to let him talk to his family first. I just sat there on his bed, thinking it was going to be a while until I was here again. I'm almost done packing, I just needed to say goodbye to him, I just don't know how. Then I heard the family all laughing and excited. That means he was home. Great. The door opened.

"Hey Liam, lets go for a walk, okay?"

"Sure..." He didn't smile while seeing me. Uh oh, does he know what Harry did? We went outside, and started walking around.

"What do you want!?" He said harshly.


"What do you want!?"

"That's not how you talk to me!"

"Well, I'm talking to you like this Paisley!"

"Well I don't think you should!"

"What did you want anyway?!"

"Liam, they made it official, my parents, they're done." I was starting to tear up.

"How long?" he asked as his face softened.

I took a deep breathe. "The day before all of you guys came home for the gig. And do you know what you did that day?! You looked at me straight into the eyes, you even walked right past me, but did nothing! I should have known you wouldn't be the same after the competition!"

"You know what Paisley!? We are best friends! And you know why I ignored you?! Becasue of my girlfriend thinking I was cheating on her with you from that stupid photo you gave me!" We both started crying and screaming at eachother in the middle of the street.

"No Liam, if you were my best friend, you would be able to tell your girlfriend that I'm only a friend and that's it! And thanks for telling me you had a girlfriend!"

"You wanted me to do this Paisley!"

"No, Simon wanted you to do this! I was just your supporter, because it was going to fulfill my best friends dreams! Even if I didn't want it to happen, it was for you so I went along with it!"

"At least Simon doesn't have to leave me for America!"

"You think thats my fault?!"

"Well, you could have tried, instead of running away to me!"

"Every night that I came over to your house at two in the morning, it was after yelling at my parents all night!"

"Maybe you should have yelled louder! They obviously didn't hear you!"

"You know what Liam!?"


"I want you out of my life from now on! Just stay away from me!"

I turned to get away from him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"We aren't done with this yet!"

"Stop! Stop! It hurts!"

"Liam, let her go!" I heard Simon say coming up. Liam let me go, I fell to the ground.

"Paisley! Oh my God! What have I done?!" He tried to come up to me, but I just backed away.

"Don't touch me! Do me one favor Liam! Just stay out of my life from now on!"

"I'm so sorry," he whispered to me.

I got up, "Bye Liam."

"Just let her leave Liam. Nobody is going to know about this! Got it?!" I heard Simon say to him.

Liam let out a very sad sigh, "Got it." Then that was it, I'm never going to see him again.

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