Chapter Sixteen Thinking

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(Liam's POV)

They went through all of the picutes. I didn't want to see, it was too hard. I just stood there staring at her Twitter on my laptop. I didn't know what to do. If I followed her, people would get suspicious. This is horrible.

"Liam, do you want to watch the videos with us?" Niall asked. I stood there, and decided that I would. I need to remember her. So they connected to the television. We gathered around, and Louis played the first one.

(Liam's POV, in the video)

"Liam stop, it's cold!" We were having a water gun fight, and I got icewater, and started spraying her. Ruth took my phone and started filming us. Ruth didn't want to get wet, so she used my phone as an excuse so we couldn't do anything to her.

"Not until you surrender!"

"Never!" We were laughing. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder."Put me down!"


"Fine then!" Paisley dumped out the water in her gun all over me. It was steaming hot.

I put her down. "Well played!" I said, "you win this time!" I went running up to her, but she ran away.

Then the video stopped

(Liam's POV)

That day was so much fun. Then the next video came up. She was just making funny faces, and showed me playing Mario Kart. I just ignored her the whole time while she was filming. More video's of us having fun went by. Then there was the video I forgot about. It was her singing.


"Come on? For me?" I asked her.

"Why? I'm not even that good."

"Yes you are Paisley! You're better than me and all of Britain!"

"Now, part of that is right, but not so much the other!" she said laughin.

"Yeah, you're right. Nobody is better than me!" I said, and she hit my shoulder. We bother were laughing.

"You brought your guitar over, might as well."

"Fine." she started strumming to a song. Then she started singing. She sang "Come On Get Higher," by Matt Nathanson.

"That was amazing Paisley!"

"Shut up!" she said laughing.

(Liam's POV)

I could have started crying, but I held in the tears. I knew that was the last video I had of her, so I was fine.

"Last one!" Louis shouted.

"Wait, what?" I asked him really confused.

"This is the last one Liam."

"Oh, okay." I payed attention to the screen, I don't know what this video is even about.


"Hey Liam, I decided to say this to you before I was gone." She was crying a little. "I needed to tell you something before I was out of your life forever. I wanted to thank you. You got me through so many things. Whenever I was sad, you were there for me. You knew when I was in pain from my parents. You accepted me as normal. I was the type of girl everybody didn't want to mess with. I still remember that day that we met. When I looked into your eyes, I felt warm. I thought you were perfect. You were so sweet and caring. I knew you had talent when I heard you sing for the first time, and now you're finally showing the world what you have. I'm so pround of you! I'm scared to say this in person to you. I just wanted you to know. Now, I'm going to live in America with my family. I will make new friends, and you will too. I'm accepting that. We both are changing. You're becoming famous, and I'm becoming, well I don't know what I'm going to be. I guess nobody knows what they are going to be, until they decided to take a chance, and move forward. I'm confused, but I'll find my way. I don't want you coming back for me. You are living life, and having fun. I would do anything for you, even if it means I'm letting go of you. I'll miss you, but you need to live while you're young, even if I'm not going to be there for you. Well, Ruth put this on your phone, so you will see this someday. Now, I need to tell you in person that I'm leaving, but I won't say anything like this. You are practically my brother. Now, go have fun in life, and I'll see you sometime later in life. Tell Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Louis that I'm saying thank you to them. They are your mates now. Love you, and don't forget about me." Starting to cry, Paisley stopped video taping.

(Liam's POV)

I can't believe it. At the end there were people laughing and screaming in the background. She was in my room. Then I realised, that was only minutes before we fought. That was minutes before I was told to stay away from her. I feel like such and idiot. I don't know what to do. Listen to her: have fun with the boys, and stay away from her. Or don't listen: get my best friend back, and be complete again. Well, this sucks. I took my phone, and went into my room. I replayed the video of her saying all of that over and over again, until I was asleep.

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