Chapter Thirty-Three The Day Before

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I was up all night, I couldn't fall asleep. I just laid there. I watched the sun rise. Liam was still sound asleep. I walked over to my balcony. It was a sunny day, but still early.

I sighed, then I heard a door open from below me. I looked down, and saw a brown haired boy come walking out, with his hand in the pockets of bright red pants. Louis. He walked a little further away from the house. Then he stopped, and dropped his head into his hands. That's when I climbed down from the balcony, and started walking towards him.

I tried to keep it quiet, but when I was about five feet away from him, I stepped on a stick. He turned around to see me, "I figured you would find me."


"Get any sleep?" He asked walking towards me.

"No, you?"

"No," he looked down.

"That bad?"




"I don't know," I said starting to tear up.

"She didn't deserve it though."

"I know. Maybe he wanted that angel to finally see him."

"She barely lived though."

"Dixie lived a whole lot. She designed clothes for the best companies. She made millions of friends. Her only cousin moved into the room right across from her. She even got to meet you boys, please she didn't just meet you buys, she got to be a part of you," I said looking to him.

"She never got her first boyfriend that I disagreed with," he said kind of laughing. I smiled at it. I hugged him, then said, "Let's go inside. We have a lot to do today and tomorrow." He nodded, then we walked back.


I tied my shoe hearing all the boys shouting at me to hurry up. Dixie's visitation was tonight, and we all had to be there a little early. Well, the boys didn't have to be there. I did, and I didn't want to go alone and stand there, not knowing anybody who will come to see us, so I thought they could suffer with me too. I checked myslef in the mirror one last time. Purple shirt with straps around the neck, skinny jeans, purple converse shoes, black rose earings, silver bangles, and wings ring (in comments). I practiced a fake smile in the mirror, grabbed my phone, and ran down the steps.

They were already outside. The building where the visitation was at, was only about three or four blocks away from the house, so we just decided to walk there. I walked outside, and saw all of the boys running around the drive way. I started to laugh, then they all stopped and looked at me. "Ready?" Liam asked. I nodded. He walked up to me, then whispered in my ear, "I won't leave your side all night."

"Promise?" I asked.

"Of course," he said turning around to his mates. They all were smiling, I rolled my eyes. Then we started heading over there.


We got there, and all I saw were flashes. The flashes weren't towards the boys though. It was towards people coming out of limos. Who did Dixie know? We all rushed in. Then people saw us. They switched between us, and the people in the limos. We made our way to the doors, and ran into a couple of men. One had a board with a list of names on it. "Name?" the man asked.

"Paisley Parker, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson," I told him.

"How do you know her?" he asked.

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu