Chapter Twenty-Two Uh Oh

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"Sorry, not for me," I said, put the guitar down, and went running out. I was about to start crying. Then I felt somebody grab me. I turned around, and saw that it was Liam.

"What do you want?" I said crying even worse.

"Paisley, I've known you forever! What is wrong?!" he asked looking into my eyes.

"I don't want help from you to become famous!" I said to him.

He wiped a tear off of my face. "Paisley, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Ever since people found out about me it feel like I'm just a person getting chased after, and automatically becoming famous! Thanks to you!"

"What do you mean thanks to me?"

"You obviously gave the press that damn picture!"

"Paisley, I promised not to let anybody know about you. That picture was an accident."

"Oh, I just thought it was so you could see me again."

"Since that promise, I decided the best way to keep you out of it was to stay away from you. I knew it would hurt, but it had to be done."

"Finally! I don't have to question this crap!" I said laughing.

"There's the Paisley I know!" he said smiling.

"Why don't we leave everybody and catch up?" he asked.

"Yes please! It's kind of awkward with Harry there." I said as we started to walk outside. It was a little chilly in Britain in June. I think it was just the wind a little bit, and I don't get warm easily. Once I get cold, I will stay cold, even if I'm only cold from an air conditioner.

"Where to first?" Liam asked smiling.


(Sophie's POV)

"Where did they go!? Liam said he was going to go get her, and bring her back. We've been waiting here for twenty minutes!" Harry said.

"Harry, they probably left!" I said to him annoyed.

"Well, I want to hang out with Paisley! She isn't just Liam's!" he said.

"Harry Edward Styles! They haven't seen each other in forever!" Louis said hitting his shoulder.

"Well, I don't care! I'm the one who kissed her! Not him!" he said.

"Harry! She has a boyfriend!"

"I don't care! I missed her too!"

"Well, Liam missed her a lot more than you did!"

"No way!"

"Harry! You are such and idiot! They have known each other since they were little! Sometimes all they had were each other! Liam helped her when she was sad, confused, angery, you name it he was there! Same with her taking care of him! Then all of a sudden one goes onto X Factor and makes four new friends and the other moves half way across the world! Obviously they have a lot of catching up to do! Even if they had a huge fight before Paisley left!" I blurted out to him. He was in shock, and just sat down.

"You're right." he mumbled.

"Yeah, I am!" I said.

"Come on Sophie, lets go and do something!" Niall said taking my hand, "let's go have fun. Well, if Paisley and Liam can, we can!" Then we left.


(Paisley's POV)

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now