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(16 Years Later)

We just got to my dads house in Iowa. It's still the same one. He, my step-mom, half-brother, aunt, and uncle live together since Paige is out in college. My half-brother is Tyson and is twelve years old now. He's really funny, and is really good at sports.

My kids are finally seeing this house for the first time. Yeah, I have kids. And so does the rest of the group. When you put all of our kids together, we have fourteen kids, and two soon to come. We also all live in London, so we are like one giant family. We all live in the same private neighborhood.

Zayn and Perrie have three kids. Their oldest is Quinton who is nineteen years old and atteneding college in London. Then Shawn who is sixteen and is my oldest son's best mate. Shawn is also dating Niall's only daughter. Their youngest is Emma, she's thirteen years old, and likes to play the guitar.

Louis and Eleanor have four kids. Luckily they only have one like Louis and the other three are more like Eleanor. Imagine fours Louis's running around our neighborhood. Their oldest is Gabrielle who is eighteen. She is dating Quinton and also attends college in London. Quinton and Gabrielle have known eachother since she was born. They already live together, so they are most likely getting married. The second is our Louis Tomlinson today, but under the name Simon. You couldn't count how many times I've called him Louis. Then they have twin girls that are nine years old. Grace and Bailey are major fashionistas, they will definitely become famous for that.

Harry and Jess only have one daughter right now who is nine years old. Hanna has brown curly hair, dimples, and green eyes. She's like the female Harry. Harry and Jess are expecting a baby boy in two months. They won't tell us a name, but it's already picked out.

Daniel and Quinn also only have one daughter. Lexi is eight years old and loves to play the piano. She's really good at it too. Daniel and Quinn are also expecting a baby boy, but in six months. They haven't picked out a name yet, but they have narrowed it down to five names.

Niall and Sophie have two kids. Their oldest is Madelyn. She's sixteen and is dating Shawn. Niall has already threatened Shawn many times if he breaks Madelyn's heart. Shawn isn't really that scared of Niall because of how long he's known him. Madelyn likes to draw. She actually has spent time with Zayn for some lessons. Their second kid is fourteen. Kian is dating my daughter. Kian is really good at soccer. He's been playing it ever since he could walk. Of course Niall is proud of his kid for doing something else of his own.

Liam and I have three kids.They are all totally different from eachother.

My oldest is Axel. He's sixteen, and is best mates with Shawn. Axel is famous for being a YouTuber. Who knew? YouTube is still popular. He doesn't want to sing like Liam and me, but it's his life, we'll love him no matter what he does.

Then there is my daughter. Dixie Paige Payne. She's fourteen and is dating Kian. She loves to sing and play guitar. She's really good at it. She wants to try out for X Factor, but we think that she's too young. Axel made a YouTube channel for her to sing songs on. She has quite a few fans. Axel has mentioned her to his fans, and they just love her.

Our youngest is William. He's nine years old, and gets dirty any chance he gets. He has absolutely no interest in what his siblings do. He also wants to play soccer. Kian has been teaching him some pretty cool moves.

This is the first time the kids have been here. Of course when we got there, the kids didn't believe their eyes from how big the house was. We showed Axel and William their rooms. Then we had to find Dixie one. We walked into Liam and my room, and dropped off our stuff. We came walking out to help Dixie.

"Hey Mum, is that my room?" she asked. I looked at the door to see the little sign with faded paint on it saying her name.

"No sweetie, but you should go in there, you might find something you like. Bring it out here when you find it." She opened the door and went in.

"Pais, what are you doing?" Liam asked me.

"My aunt and uncle said that the guitar was mine. I didn't know what to do with it, so I kept it here, but I want our Dixie to have it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, she's got to try out for X Factor with something."

"You think she's ready?" he asked. I nodded, the Dixie came out with the guitar in her hand.

"Mum, this is beautiful," she said in aw.

"Good cause it's yours," I said. Her face lit up. I better get this in tune then, she said running into the next empty room. Luckily that was the one that she was going to be sleeping in or else that would be embarrassing. We didn't see her for the rest of that week.


(1 Week Later)

Dixie was getting ready to go to a party for Kian. He turns fifteen today. She was just about to leave, when I called her into the living room. Liam and I were sitting on the couch across from her. "Mum, Dad, is something wrong?"

"No, we just need to tell you something," He said to her.

"Well, I have to go soon," she said, "is it something bad?"

I laughed, "No, no, it's actually good."

"Then what is it?"

I looked at Liam and nodded, he should be the one to tell her. "We've decided to let you try out for X Factor."

"What?! Are you serious! I can't believe this! Oh my gosh!" She said jumping into our arms for a hug.

"On one condition," I said, she stood infront of me, "You play with your new guitar."

She laughed, "Well of course I'm going to! I love it!"

"Go to your party now," Liam said to her.

She started walking to the door, but then turned to us. "I love you guys! And I'll start practicing right away!" Then left.


(3 Months Later)

We were at the stadium. Ironically, she was the first performer, like her father. I could tell she was nervous. "What if I suck!? What if I sing the wrong note?! What if I fall walking on the stage?" she asked me.

"You won't suck, you've been singing this song forever, and if you fall-" I was cut off by Axel.

"I'll laugh!" he said.

"No, you'll get back up." I said to her. We were waiting backstage. Then her name was called. "You can do this," I said hugging her. She nodded and walked out there.

Liam put his arm around me. "She's going to be great."

"Hello," a judge said to her.

"Hi," she said in the mic.

"And what's your name?"

"Dixie, Dixie Payne," she said looking nervous as ever.

"Did you say Payne?" another judge asked.


"And is your father Liam Payne?" they asked.


"Following in your father's footsteps?" they asked.




"Then why are you here?" they asked her.

"I'm making my own trail," she said looking over to us and smiled. I smiled back to her. I looked up to Liam, he looked down to me.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I said. Dixie started her song. She decided to sing 'Story of My Life'. And when she did that, I realized that I married the love of my life. My best friend. That's right. Liam James Payne is my best friend.

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