Chapter Thirty-Four Directions

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(Paisley's POV)

I finally showed somebody, who doesn't live in this home, the beautiful music room. He looked at the empty guitar stand. Where mine was at. "That one's gone," he said. I looked over at it.

"Yeah, that's where mine was at."

"No, that one is."

I looked to where he was directed to. The pink guitar was gone. Dixie's guitar. A tear came out of my eye. "That's Dixie's."

"Where is it at now?"

"Not sure. She always hid it from me. She said that it's hidden in my room though." Liam gave me that look that I knew exactly what he wants to do. I smiled, nodded my head, then we both ran up the steps.

We ran strait for my room. Liam ran to the bathroom, and I went to the closet. I dug and tore through things. I found some pretty cute clothes that I haven't seen yet. I will defiantly wear them in the future. I still didn't find anything. I walked out and dropped to the floor. Liam came out and found nothing.

We were lying there. On the floor. Clueless. "Do you think she could have left clues of some sort?" He asked. I shook my head no. I tried to think if there was anything. Liam got up quickly.

"What?" I asked sitting up.

"What about your bed?"

"There are just blankets and pillows under it, see?" I pointed to my bed.

"Have you looked what was in the middle?"

"No, but those blankets haven't been touched. They're perfectly folded."

"Aren't designers really good at folding?" I smiled. We both darted towards the bed removing many blankets and pillows. Until my hands touched the pink acoustic guitar. I pulled it out. The strings were still in shape, but you could tell they've been used. I sat down on the bed. Liam had something in his hands. A cyan composition notebook. He looked at me, opened it, then closed it and sat down next to me.

"It looks like Dixie's diary."

"What does it say?"

"The Life Dixie Went Through."


"That's the title," he said flipping the page. He started reading aloud dates, events, everything that's important to her. Then there was a list of people she loved by age eight. Then the date that I came to live with her was ontop of a new page. I decided to read this one.

I'm so happy Paisley will live with me now. I don't really like the reason for it, but I finally get the older sister that I've always wanted. I will design clothes for her, and she will sing to me. She doesn't even know that I know that she can sing, and that I heard her outside one day when she visited for the summer. I hope I'm not taking her away from anybody. I know she has this friend that is amazing. She mentioned a Liam a couple of times, but I really didn't care. I just wanted her. I designed a really pretty dress for her. It's already been created to her size, and it's hidden. Nobody will be able to find it. Oh, I have to go, Paisley's calling! -Dixie. <3

"Whoa, what else?" Liam asked.

"The day we went to the fair. When I told her that we were going to Britain. They day she met you boys."

"Anything else."

"No, just a couple of stupid dumb pages!" I started getting mad. I threw the book to the ground. A sticky note came flying out of it. Liam got up to get it. He came back and handed me it.

"I don't want it," I looked away.

"Fine, I'll go find what she wants you to have then," he said leaving. What? She wants me to have something? I darted up. I ran towards the door. I looked up, and saw Liam stick it to my forehead, then pushed me back into my room. I tried to open it, but he was pulling on it from the other side. He is stronger than me. I gave up, and grabbed to note off of my forehead. I read it.

Closet, turn left, look up, grab the tan box. -Dixie <3

I followed her directions. I sat it on my bed. I just stared at it. Then I realized, three seconds of courage to open that box. I quickley opened it. There was a dress in it. Pink laced, with a black ribbon. It was short, but had shoulder straps. As I picked it up, another piece of paper fell out. I opened it, and read.

So, you found the guitar. I didn't master it, but I learned some cords from watching you play. Anyways, This has always been my favorite dress. I hand stitched it myself. I want you to wear this to my funeral. I don't care if everybody else is going to wear black. I want you in pink. I want you te speak to the people about how you and I were meant to be together. I want them to know that I'm your little angel.

I want you to also tell the boys that I say hi, and that I love them. Tell Louis to stop stressing over me, and just sing. I know he would do that. I know that he is heart broken. And tell Liam to always have that necklace with him. I want you to sing at my funeral, with Liam. That's one thing that I would wish for if I had one wish. I love you Paisley. -Dixie <3

I heard a door open. I looked up, and saw Liam standing there. "She make it?" he asked. I nodded my head. "Well?" he asked.

"What?" I was confused.

"Aren't you going to try it on?" he asked me. I nodded my head heading towards the bathroom. I slipped off my clothes and put on the dress. It was perfect. It was beautiful. It was Dixie.

I walked out, and Liam was looking at his phone. He looked sad. "What's wrong?"

He jumped, "You scared me!" I laughed. He did too.

"Nothing, just some troubles at the studio. One of the songs all of a sudden stopped playing, but of course Niall called them up and he told them what to do. It's fixed."

"What's the song like?"

"You already know one of our songs."


"You don't deserve to know another!" he said smiling and pointing his finger at me.

"Yeah I do!"

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm me!" I had my hands on my hips.

"Fine, it's called Same Mistakes."

"Sounds," I took a long pause, "different."

"It's a slower song, I really like it."

"How does it go?"

"I think Harry has the sheet in his bag still. I'll go get it," he said leaving. I looked back at the dress. It was magnificent. Touching it felt like she was right beside me. I felt warm and happy. I looked back at the note from her, and saw that she wanted a song. Sang by me. At the funeral. Instead of me using somebody elses song, why don't I just write one of my own?

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