Chapter Forty-Six Done

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That practice was hell. All Ivy did was try and bring Liam into our conversations. One time she said, "I would text Liam right now, but he is sleeping."

And I was like, "No he ain't bitch! He's obviously still up, it's only nine at night there!" Then Conner put his hand over my mouth.

I finally stopped freaking out, but then of course, Mason had to come walking in during my solo in the song. Which made us stop so Ivy could go and make out with him.

It was the longest six hours of my live. It took a hour of lunch, and and a hour in the morning to figure everything out. I was so tired. I grabbed my bag, and started to leave the auditorium. Then somebody grabbed my arm in the hall way. It was Mason.

"What do you want?" I asked in a pissy mood.

"You coming to the game on Friday?"

"What game?"

"My football game obviously."

"Well, I'm obviously-" I was cut off by Conner who cut in front of me.

"She's obviously going with me," Conner said to Mason.

"What are you doing?" Mason asked.

"I'm going to a football game Friday night with my friend," Conner said putting his arm around me. I just looked down to the floor, but back up at Mason.

"You're seriously hanging out with my own brother now?" Mason asked laughing.

"Yeah, got a problem with it?" I asked him.

"No, no, not at all! It's just you would've had more fun with me!" he said scanning me up and down.

"Hey buddy! Eyes up here!" I said pointing to my blue eyes, "After knowing of how much of an ass you are, I would never do that!"

Mason laughed again, "Oh, it will happen. Whether you like it or not."

"Over my dead body you will!" Conner said.

"You won't be there," Mason said looking at Conner, then he transitioned over to me, "and you won't see it coming. Remember, you were my bitch once, I'll be able to get you back again."

"Good luck with that," Conner said, and he took my hand and we ran away leaving Mason in the hallway. "So, since we don't have any homework, unlike any other school, what do you want to do tonight?" he asked me.

"I have to go home," I said pulling out my keys from my bag. Conner grabbed them out of my hands, "How are you going to go home without any keys?" He asked running to his car. I ran after him, but he already had the passenger door opened for me. I stood there looking at him. "You'll get your keys after tonight if you hang out with me," he said.

"Is that blackmail?" I asked smiling.

"I don't know," he said smiling and getting in the car. I did as so and got in. "Where too?" he asked turning on the radio. "How about lazer tag?" he asked. I perked up like a dog and nodded my head really fast. "Lazer tag it is!" he said driving away.


We both came walking out of the lazer tag room laughing. We went walking over to the giant computer showing scores. My name was "TheGirlWhoBeatConner" and he was "TheBoyWhoCrushedPaisley." We waited then the screen popped up with the winners.

I beat Conner by one point for first place! One point! My mouth dropped. "Haha! I won!" I shouthed pointing at him.

"By one point!" he said putting his hands up in defeat.

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora