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Finally! Out of my second year of college! Whew! It always seems like it's never gonna end! Once we got out of high school, Jennifer and I went straight into college. It helped take our minds off of our relationships from high school and focus more on our careers. We actually happened to have just about the same classes, too! We have four years of college, and we already completed two. So, we're just gonna take the year off and then go back for our last two rounds.

We actually had some serious high school sweet hearts that messed us up for a little bit, but some stuff went down and we all broke up with each other. So then it was just Jenn and I. And that's when we entered college in Pennsylvania.

We have apartments up in Boston, where we originally live. So we decided to hang around in the Boston area like old times.

"Steph! C'mon! Let's go! We're gonna be, like, late for the flight if you just nap all day!" Jennifer exclaimed. I was napping in our college dorm room the whole time, dreaming about what Boston was gonna be like since its been so long. I was ready to go, I was just exhausted by the time I finished packing.

She yanks me off the bed, and I stretch all tired-like.

"Ok! Ok! I'm up!" I go over to my suitcase by the door and start wheeling it out of the room.

We hurried over to Jenn's car and plopped everything into the trunk. Jennifer stepped on the gas, and we got out of that joint!

Let the Boston Reunion of 1990 begin!


We get to the hotel, and Jennifer checks her and I into our room while I go ahead and get all of our luggage on a dolly.

"Excuse me miss, but would you like some help with your bags?" A scarily familiar voice came from behind our luggage. For some reason, Jenn and I never got the Boston accent but the boys did. We were all around there for the same amount of time, too. And out comes Donnie-dip-wad wearing ripped up jeans and a Public Enemy t-shirt as usual, but how does this pass as a person who can help?

"Um, no." I say annoyed, "I can handle it myself. Besides, you don't look like a legit employer."

"Eh, I'm an intern. What's it to ya? Hey, how's Mark?" He sneers. I feel my face get red with anger and embarrassment. I start regretting the whole trip. At this point, who needs stupid hotel rooms? We got apartments down the road that still have our names on it. I'd love to come back with, "That's it! I'm done! Later loser!" while making an L-shape with my hand and put across my forehead while leaving with some extra sass in my step. But my brain wanted to finish the mini-fight instead of cutting it short.

"Mark? How the heck is Mark? Oh you know well enough that I'm not even with him or with you, because of you! You dingus!" He just laughs it off. He always liked to watch me get annoyed at him, for some reason. Weirdo. Of course, this is how my Boston Reunion begins with seeing an "old pal."

"Hey Steph! You got the luggage under control? I got the room-" Jennifer stops talking and notices Donnie. She never knew what happened between us, except for a bad breakup, so I could tell she felt awkward. It's not her fault that she didn't know the details. I just never felt comfortable to talk to her about it.

"Oh. Hey, Donnie... How's Jordan?" I'm surprised she asked about Jordan (her ex boyfriend who said that their relationship wasn't gonna "work out"), I wouldn't think that he'd still be around after a couple of years...

"Yeah, he's fine. He works here, too. But we're thinking about quitting and get back to college."

"He's here!?" She said a little too fast, "Where-? Well, just tell him I said hello."

"A'ight." He replied starting to walk off. He still talks like he used to.

"Wait!" Jennifer cries dramatically, "I know this is gonna sound crazy, but do you guys wanna meet Steph and I over at a restaurant of your choice?" Crap! Out of all the people on planet Earth, you ask him? As if I don't already feel awkward being in Donnie's presence. Great...

"Yeah. I'll grab Jordan and how about...Chau Chow? The Chinese restaurant?" Donnie suggested.

"Ooh! Steph and I LOVE Chinese food!" Jennifer got a little too enthusiastic for a Chinese eatery.

"So it's settled then. You meet us there around five-thirty."

Turns out, the restaurant was really nice looking! Jordan and Donnie sat down on the inside of the booth while Jennifer and I figured out who sits where.

"Um, Jennifer, I'm gonna sit next to Jordan, if you don't mind." I plopped down next to him.

"Uh, I'd really enjoy it if you'd sit next to Donnie." Jennifer gritted her teeth, took me by the shoulders, and shoved me next to Donnie. I knocked back into Donnie's shoulders, adjusted myself back as soon as possible, and frowned as I crossed my arms.

Another one of those awkward silences were happening... And it was pretty embarrassing when you have to deal sitting next to your arch-nemesis. I heard him sigh an annoyed sigh which made my ears get hot.

Jennifer was the first to break the silence (Thank the Lord), "SOOOO!" I think she broke it a little too much. Just about everyone in that restaurant started to look at us. Now my whole face felt hot. Crud muffin...

Jennifer cleared her throat and tried to ignored the glazed eyes that were upon us, "So Donnie, how was your summer?"

"It was pretty good, until I came in contact with this idiot. Honestly, I didn't think I'd wake up knowing I was gonna see a real piece of trash today." He gestured at me making me. That was the last straw for me. I couldn't take anymore of his bull crap for the rest of that evening. So, I sprinted out the door.

"Stephanie! Wait!" Jennifer ran after me.

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