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In a nutshell, my dream was pretty weird and I thought I was never gonna see Donnie again and end up with stupid Kevin. But when I woke up, he was the first person I saw. Then he joked around like he used to which made me feel good inside. I was relieved that it was all a dream. I struggled getting out of the bed to sit with him. My body was awake... except my legs, of course. So, I fumbled a little when I tried to get to Donnie. Actually, I almost hit the floor and then Donnie grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I noticed the paper bracelet that was on his left wrist. And then I looked at my wrist and I had one, too.

Anywho, there was just one lamp on in the room that was in between our beds which made me feel cozy as I laid on Donnie's chest. And then we started dozing off again, but this time I knew we would be able to wake up easier.

Later, Jordan and Jennifer came into the room, and no offense, but Jordan looked like he hadn't slept in weeks... I think he woke us up, but I didn't mind. It was nice seeing them again.

Jordan was so thrilled to see that we were alive, that it almost scared me. Especially the part when he came over and squeezed us like a giant teddy bear to the point I felt the pain of where the glass shards used to be. We actually have small scars on us, but they're (thankfully) not that noticeable.

After they left, we just cuddled the whole time, just listening to each other deep breath in synch. Eventually a doctor came in to talk with us and said that we'd actually been asleep for about four weeks! I hope nothing too drastic happened within those four weeks... And then I thought about Miami. The all-paid expense tickets. Oh crap. Is it too late? Can we still use them? Wait a minute, where are the tickets? Hmm...

Then he was reviewing how we have to stay here for one more night and then we'll be free to go by tomorrow morning. It wasn't anything new until he got to the part about how I could've died if that one glass shard went any deeper into my chest. That's what scared me and I looked up at Donnie whose eyes got wide (As surprised as he looked for me, it was actually kinda cute!).

So we just sat in the room, flipping through channels on the tube TV until we came across a marathon of Seinfeld so we ordered some popcorn and watched just about the whole marathon. Every time they'd go to commercial, we'd chat about all sorts of things and I checked out the scar on his cheek wincing and feeling bad.

"It's no big deal," He said, "Now you had something huge going on. You could've been a goner. I'd hate not getting to see you everyday."

"I guess you're right." I looked down and noticed we were holding hands. We've been doing it so long that it almost seems like second nature.

And that's what we basically did for the rest of the night. It was so cozy! Even though all of this happened, this will probably be the best memory to make up for it.

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