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Worst Christmas I've had in a long time.
Donnie scared the crap outta me and made me feel upset again. When he yelled at Joey, it triggered old memories of when he yelled at me. Now, I'm on the verge of actually wanting to leave. And I'm just sitting in my room crying again.
All of the sudden, I hear a knock at my door and I yell, "Whoever it is, don't come in ever again!" Donnie walks in anyway (Did I really forget to lock my door..? Again..?). This time I'm crying in my bedroom, and he slowly and quietly tries to not make the floor creak as he walks. When he's finally through the door frame, I look up and he's leaning up against it but wincing out of sympathy.
He eases next to me and whispers, "Stephanie, I'm really sorry. I never meant to make you upset. Please, forgive me. I hope you're ok." My mind started to race. It flashed back to that night when we fought. I felt my stomach drop. Then my mood went from sadness to anger in 3.7 seconds. Seriously? Forgive him? He tries to just come in and expect me to be fine with this!? Does he know all of the pressure that's been on me!? Of course he hasn't! Because I can't tell him a flippin' two cents about it!
My fists tighten and I can't help but sniffle, "You know what Donnie?" We stand up together. "I'm not ok, and I'm not gonna forgive you! Honestly, Donnie! Are you gonna run all over me again, like you did the first time where I just take all of the punches!?"
I start walking him out to my door with anger, and Donnie stutters, "Steph, what are you-"
"Shut up!" I snap at him, "You know exactly what I'm talking about, Donnie! Why can't you just, oh, I dunno, HELP ME ONCE IN A WHILE!?"
He tried, "Well, if you'd just tell me what it is, I could help you!"
Then, I got furious because I knew I still couldn't tell him, "JUST GET OUT. OF MY. APARTMENT!" And I slammed the door in his face.
Still furious, I go over to my cellular phone, I call up Jennifer out of anger, "Hello? Jenn? I've made my decision: I'm going to London."
"Wait, are!?" She questioned from the other line.
Sarcastically, I said, "Heck yes, I'm going! I never wanna see stupid Boston again! Way too many memories!"
I think she was stunned on the other line, because it was quiet for a couple of minutes. And then she said, "You're positive that you're going in January."
"Well... Let Jordan and I at least say goodbye. But what about Donnie?"
His name triggered more anger, "You can tell Donnie to suck an egg and he should know that I never wanna see him again!"
Jenn was surprised, "What!?" And I hung up.

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