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They all arrived around 6 P.M. so I could doll everyone up. This was almost exciting since I got to use all of my old make upthat was stowed away in the back of my closet. My grandmother gave me this old makeup set that I got from twelfth grade that had all the colors of the rainbow and more! I was never sure what to do with it, but I think I finally found its purpose! Now for Stephanie and I, we can use my good makeup since our costumes are supposed to look a little less... ew. If you know what I mean.

"Jordan!" I called from my bathroom. He was the first to show up. He was changing into his costume in my bathroom (ever since that incident, I make sure that my bathroom is free of any hair-spray-smelling particles). "Is your costume ready?"

"Yeah, I think so! Lemme adjust the cape... and..." He opened the door and he already looked like a monster that ate blood for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He wore this long, black cape with a white button down shirt, followed by black pants and loafers! Cutest thing to die for!

"Omigosh!" I squealed, "You look adora- I mean, uh.. You look terrifying!" I giggled. I could tell that he liked my second answer better.

"Thanks, Jenn! That's what I was going for!" He grinned.

"Come here. Lemme do your makeup before the others get here, so I'm not in a huge rush to do everyone's at once!" He hurried over to the chair next to me and sat down.

While I put white powder on his face, he said, "This is too cool, Jenn! I don't think I've ever had makeup put on me before! Is this really what girls go through everyday?"

I start trying to explain everything to the poor kid, "Well, not exactly... Because we don't usually powder our faces to look ultra pale..."

"Pale..?" He looked into the mirror and his eyes widened at how pale his face looked compared to his tanner skin tone, "Dang! I look washed out. I looked like that time I puked on that one roller coaster right after I ate a footlong!" And then we gritted our teeth in unison through the mirror and laughed.

I start getting some hair gel to pull back his poofy hair. I almost felt guilty putting all of that gorgeous hair away!

When I finished, I adjusted the collar of his cape and he looked like the cutest looking Dracula I've ever laid eyes on! And perfect timing, too! Steph and Donnie just came in with their costumes on. I guess they wanted to be prepared before they came to my place.

Stephanie looked cute in her white flowy dress and Donnie... Well, he's Donnie...

"Omigosh!" Stephanie ran over to me, "Your dress looks fabulous!"

"Thanks! Your's does, too! Did you want me to get you started on your makeup?" I reply.

"Let's do this!" She exclaims. For some reason, I always find it satisfying to put on bright red lipstick on my lips, or anyone's for that matter. I guess it's because they look fuller or something. But now was my chance to do so! I got the brightest one I could find and piled it on her lips with two coats! (Hey, detail's important!) Then I helped adjust her wig. She looked beautiful!

And then there was Donnie. When he sat down, he was at a full on man-sit, where his legs look like they're spread out all the way. But that's how he usually is. I cringe a little. And then I just see him smirking at me with that look that he usually gives me when he's sarcastic.

But all he says is, "Go on." It was the most awkward feeling I've ever encountered with makeup. I tried to just get through smearing a bunch of green onto his whole face while he just sat there quiet. No comments, no negativity. Just the silence of me putting the makeup on him. I need to check the window if there's a full moon out tonight.

I was actually surprised at myself. I wanted to tell him his face looked like a booger, but he kinda does look like Frankenstein! Dang it!

"Well, how do I look Steph?" He looked in the mirror and smiled.

Stephanie looked in the mirror with him and put her arm around him and said, "You look scary!" She giggled.

"Sweet!" He said. And then he stuck is hands out in front of him and walked around aimlessly while groaning. He is so cheesy.

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