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I said the wrong thing and I knew it. I said the wrong thing and I ruined my chance with Jennifer. I blew it. What the heck is wrong with me!?

Oh crap. I have to go to Dunkin' Donuts today. Great. It's gonna be beyond awkward.

We arrive at the donut house and the first person I see is Donnie, like I need to see him now with his stupid negative attitude right now... Ugh.

"Hey buddy! Isn't it a lovely day today!? The birds are chirping, and isn't the weather fabulous this morning!?" He was actually in a chipper mood. Am I in the Twilight Zone or something?

"Uh, hey Donnie." I say down in the dumps. "How are you in a good mood, man? You're always so angry at everything."

"Ah, well, Jordan my friend, it's all because of Steph-" He hesitated, "Steps! I mean steps! Like, this dating book I got at the library the other day tells me how to break it down step-by-step on how to date girls! And I think I got myself a catch! Not Stephanie of course. 'Cause she's a little... dingbat..." It's almost like he struggled to say that. I let I slide. I already got enough problems I gotta work out right now.

"Oh, it's alright, Jordan!" Donnie laughed, "I'll tell you the real reason in a little bit, maybe when the girls aren't near us." The girls...

We all all go inside and get in line to choose our donuts. I overheard Stephanie behind us, not exactly whispering to Jennifer, "Hey Jennifer, I bet you were waiting all night to see Jordan again!" She giggled.

"Yeah... Right..." I could tell Jennifer was gritting her teeth when she said that. I felt my stomach dropped and I didn't feel so hungry anymore.

The girls had to get in front of us 'cause they were gonna order for us (They always knew the really good donuts here.). When they tried to cut in front of us, Jennifer and I accidentally bump into each other.

"Sorry." We mumble to each other awkwardly as we pass each other.

As they ordered, Donnie and I went over to the tables to choose a booth.

Donnie lightly elbowed me in the side and said, "Hey Jordan, why don't you sit across from me so you can sit next to Jennifer."

I got annoyed at him, and snapped back, "Why don't you just sit next to Stephanie so you can just yell at her all day since that's what it always seems like you wanna do!" He looked blankly at me and I automatically felt bad. "I'm sorry, man. I just had a bad night last night. I... I didn't get enough sleep is all." I try to cover it up. I wish that was the real reason. I felt like a garbage disposal grinding up three-day-old Chinese food.

He replies, "It's all good, man! I've had bad nights like that before and they stink like rotten eggs!" 'Stink like rotten eggs?' I think I'm done with the new Donnie.

The girls arrived at our table with the donuts. Jennifer sits down next to me. Maybe there is hope!

"Here, Jordan!" She says sarcastically, "I bought this donut especially for you!" She smushes a plain glazed donut with jelly inside across my cheek and rushes out of the joint.

"Jennifer! Wait!" I reach my hand out to her even though she was already out the door. I'm sure Donnie and Stephanie are probably wondering what the heck is going on, but no one gives a crap at this point.

I wipe the side of my glazed and jelly-smeared face with a napkin and rush out.

"Jennifer!" I call, "Jennifer, where are you!?"

"I'm over here, you dingaling!" She was behind the building next to the dumpster.

"Jennifer, what's gotten into you? I never wanted to hurt you." I felt like I was gonna tear up for some reason. I hate to know that I was the reason she feels upset.

"What's gotten into me!? What the heck has gotten into, you!?" She cried. "I've been waiting so long for you to say that you love me, and now you're acting like such a wimp about it! I bet if we were still dating earlier we wouldn't be in this big piece of crap that we're in right now!"

All of the sudden, one of the workers of the donut place had to roll out one of their trash cans, but accidentally bumps into Jennifer too hard in the back. It was almost like slow motion. I just watch her bump into the guy from behind, she trips, and her lips lay on mine! Our eyes went wide, and slowly closing from satisfaction. It felt so good, but I knew the war wasn't over yet. It didn't feel like the real kisses she used to give me. I still felt a few sparks shoot out of my body as if I really missed her, but it wasn't as many as I'd usually get. It wasn't right yet.

She quickly get's out of our "trance" and races to the front of the building.

"Jennifer! C'mon! We can work this out!" I come and join her to the front.

"Are you flippin' serious!?" She screams at me, "I'm tired of this Jordan! I'm TIRED OF IT! Nothing has been happening! And now look! What's happening to US!? I wish we could just have a normal relationship together without having to hide it so much! UGH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JORDAN!!! WE'RE DONE!"

And she slapped me in the face so
hard that it felt like she left a blazing red handprint. She hops into her car and speeds off. I didn't think what I did was that bad. I mean, we've been dealing our situation like that for so long, I guess I could see why she'd feel irritated. I wanted to make it all better. I just didn't know what to do.

I walk back into Dunkin' Donuts, rubbing the side of my face that Jennifer slapped me on and feeling embarrassed.

"Guys," I sit down across from Stephanie and Donnie, "I dunno what to do at this point. I don't know where she is. I-"

Donnie cuts me off, "Man, she probably went back to her apartment. C'mon, I'll drive you there."

I run down to her apartment: Room 809. I start feeling nervous and my palms get sweaty.

My nerves get the best of me, "Donnie... I can't do this." I look down disappointed.

He picks up my head and then slaps me on the other side of my face that Jennifer didn't slap (It still hurt just as bad!). "You can do this." He says in a deep, commanding voice. "You're Jordan Carter. The Jordan Carter. If you've been with Jennifer before, you can be with her again. You're getting back together with her now, and you're gonna do it right this time! Now go!" He shoves me real close to the door to the point I accidentally walk in (She never really locks her door.).

I see her curled up in a ball on her couch crying with a big throw pillow smushed against her chest. She got startled when she saw me and quickly cut it out.

"What do you want dumbo?" She asks aggressively and sniffling. Her face was all red from crying so much.

I lock the door behind me so there's no way of her escaping, "Jennifer, just hear me out. I didn't want this to happen to us, and I know you didn't either. I... I love you!" I finally spit it out. "And I hate to see you upset because of me! You're the last person I want to see get hurt! Please! Forgive me! I want to be with you again like we used to! You were right! We shouldn't have to hide our feelings! Please Jennifer! You mean the world to me!" I slowly come up to her the way a lion tamer does with its lion to show they're not a predator.

"Jordan, I don't know if I should be angry or not at you. I basically feel the same way. I just-" I dive in and kiss her. And she kisses me back this time. The feeling of her lips felt so soft. It felt like a hurricane and tornado were colliding. I felt thousands of zings go through us. It was the best feeling. Ever.

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