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Today was a little different. The boys went back out to Target, so Stephanie came over and we talked about our New Years resolutions (since we never got the chance to celebrate)! I asked Stephanie what hers was, and I started thinking, Oh! She's definitely gonna say that she wants to marry Donnie, and have kids with him. As I was daydreaming of all the answers she could give me about her relationship with Donnie, she blurts out the answer, I was not expecting:
"I want you and Jordan to get married as soon as possible, buy a house, and have babies together! Like, soon." I just looked at her with a surprised expression. I was going to blurt out a huge answer, but all I said was, "Huh?" And we just looked at each other.
Then, she started getting emotional, "Jennifer, I just want you to be happy! You love Jordan so much, and he loves you! I can picture you two, making wonderful, beautiful children together, and buying a house. You just deserve it, and so does Jordan. Plus, it's about time, for you two guys to actually sleep in bed together. Every time he spends the night with you, he acts so mad when he has to sleep on the couch." I just smile at her, while raising my eyebrows. Is she really serious? I always imagined her thoughts to only be about her and Donnie. I guess I was wrong...
"When do you think these things the most?" I ask. She just grins, and she starts getting emotional, again.
"I think these things the most, when I see you two smiling. And when I catch you guys at the pizza place, giving each other little kisses on the nose. But most of all, when I walk in on you two, seriously kissing passionately on the couch."
"YOU WALKED IN ON U-" I started to yell, but she cut me off. She just kept going with her non stop rambling.
"Listen, don't question me on if I think when the time is right! I know that you guys are ready to spend the rest of your lives together. I've known you longer than Jordan has. Just trust me!" I just look at her, and for some reason, I got mad.
"WELL, MAYBE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR US! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT OUR SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP IS LIKE! JUST GIVE US TIME, STEPHANIE!" And I ran back to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I felt a wave of emotion come over me. I could feel the truth. I think Jordan and I are ready. We need to get married. Jordan just has to buy a ring! And actually make a move. DANG, I hate admitting Stephanie is right!

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