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A few days after the big snowball fight with the boys, I got a phone call... From Joey.
The whole apartment was empty and I wasn't really doing anything 'till Jordan came over later that day. And we were just relaxing on our couch when I heard my cellular phone go off next to me.
I haven't really been getting calls from anyone lately, so I was a little concerned. I got up from the couch and answered my phone in my bedroom.
"Hullo?" I started with.
"Hey, it's Joe." I felt a pang of butterflies and questions flood through me. What was he calling for? Did he do something to Jordan? How does he still have my number? "How ya doin'?" Oh, well, he wanted to know how I was doing... That's good, too. But I knew he wanted to probably ask me about something else. But what would it be?
Instead, I replied with, "I'm doing pretty good. You know, Jordan and I have been going steady for a while now that I really feel like he's gonna propose to me soon!" I tried to let him know that much, for Jordan's sake. I tried to keep my guard up.
He replied back sounding a little disappointed, "Right. Well, uh, I just wanted to call and let you know that you're beautiful." And I couldn't help but giggle and roll my eyes. I was a sucker for a compliment.
I feel myself blush even though I don't have feelings toward him and say, "Um, thanks! Ok, Joe, now what's the real reason you called?" I smirked from the end of the line. I knew he couldn't see me, but I couldn't help but smile, anyway.
I think he was being bashful on the other line, "Well, I know it's such short notice, but... I wanted to know, if you wanted to go to the Northside with me tomorrow. You know, for lunch." The world stopped for a second. How was I supposed to answer this? Like, this was so abrupt for me! Jordan was waiting for me in the living. I panicked. And when I panicked while I'm on the phone, I can't help but get up and walk around. So, I walked into the kitchen, which probably wasn't my smartest idea since the living room and kitchen were kinda connected in a way.
I still tried to sound friendly and smiled anyway, "Lunch? At the Northside? Wow! I'm very flattered. Might I ask why you'd like to bring me there tomorrow?" I was trying to stall him so I could have the chance to lean on the side of the archway and see if Jordan was listening. But I didn't see him on the couch anymore. Was he in the bathroom? I thought.
Joey replied with, "I have such a busy schedule, with all the businesses I own and all, and tomorrow afternoon is the only time I had available to myself, so I thought of spending it with you!" A wave of guilt ran over me. 'I thought of spending it with you!' rang in my eardrums. The only time he has to himself? Dang it! Why are rich people always so busy!? I thought. I wanted to reschedule so bad because this was the worst time ever, and I didn't want Jordan to feel a little jealous or anything because I know how he gets... The poor guy would probably wait by my doorstep until I got back. I couldn't decline Joey's offer, either. There were too many reasons not to.
I took the the receiver off my ear and laid it on my chest for a second so he wouldn't hear me make a sigh that had to do with a mixture of guilt and regret, and finally said, "Alright, Joey. You got me. I'll join you tomorrow."
All cheery sounding he says, "That's great, Jenn! I'll pick you up tomorrow at twelve!"
I put on a fake cheery voice to join him even though I can still hear the guilt in it, "Can't wait." And hang up. I sigh one more time and I lay my phone down on the counter next to the fridge. I just stand there for a couple of seconds staring at it and then I turn around to find Jordan, but it looks like he already found me first. And he didn't have a good look on his face, either. My stomach dropped and I couldn't look at him in the eyes like I usually can. My eyes darted to everywhere else in the room but him.
Finally, he asks, "Who was that, Jenn?" I think he was well-aware of who I talked to, considering the tone of his voice.
I look down at the floor at the floor and my voice quivered, "It was just Joey..."
"Ok. And what did Joey say to you, Jennifer?" Oh crap, here it comes.
"He just invited me out to lunch with him tomorrow. You know, just to talk about how we all used to hang out and stuff.."
"Hang out? Hang out?" He was starting to get on edge. I could already tell it was gonna get ugly. Worse than it had ever been before. "What makes you think it's ok to go out with your ex boyfriend to go and talk about the "glory days" of being together when he was the one who separated us!?"
I blurt out, "Just relax! Every time I bring him up or have something to do with him, you get all frustrated! Can't you just let go of the past? It's not like we're doing anything romantic! And even if he did, it doesn't mean anything to me anymore, Jordan!"
And then he shot back with, "Well, it obviously means something if you still wanna go to lunch with that good-for-nothing backstabber! I-!" He looked around the room, and saw my favorite picture of us sitting in a frame on my nightstand.
He takes the picture of us from 9th grade prom, lip quivering, and holds it up high above his head, "I don't want our relationship to look like this!" And he smashes it to the ground, shattering the frame and then he takes the picture from the inside and rips it to shreds. It was quiet for a moment. I just hear his heavy breathing from the effort of him throwing the picture on the ground. And I just look at him stunned, walk up to him, not saying a word but still angry, and I slapped him across the face.
Jordan just scrunched his face after the impact of my hand to his face, and runs out of my apartment; leaving me kneeled down on the ground to pick up the pieces. My hands shake so badly for realizing what I just did that I drop the pieces back on the ground and began to sob.

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