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Day One of Marriage: Well, at least I thought it turned out okay. Jennifer didn't think so, though. She's kinda mad at me now. I know, I know. It was stupid. But I got hungry at one o'clock anyway, so I figured, hey? She'd be even more ticked if she couldn't sleep, so I thought maybe she'd lighten up if I said it was a "test."

I was definitely wrong. Later, I'm pretty sure she slapped me in the face, because I blacked out after we left and as soon as she closed the door - WHACK! But for some reason, I felt love out of it - If love is also pain...

But I figured I need to make it up to her, though. I don't want her to think I'm a total pain to live with.

I mean, when Donnie and I were in college, we dealt with each other. It didn't seem so bad! At first, he got kinda annoyed at my loud chewing... And the loud singing in the shower... And the loud talking on the phone... He thought I was pretty obnoxious for the first six months. But hey, Donnie was a total grouch. He kept punching holes in the wall out of anger. And listened to rock music full-blast on my boombox without asking! And then he left his clothes everywhere on the ground.

However, he was a little bit more organized with his clothes on the ground, though. He'd always keep his dirty socks in a pile at the foot of my bed, and then he put his dirty underwear on top of my pillow, so I'd have to shove it off every night...

But as soon as we got our own places, and the girls came back, he was a new man!

Anyway, I need to make it up to Jenn. And I think I know how...

The next morning, I gave Jennifer a nice little good morning, "JENNIFER! WAKE UP, WOMAN!!"

"Jordannnnn. Can't you at least give me sleep for one flippin' day..?" Jennifer whined.

"No... You have to hurry up and get up!" I try to nudge her waist.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" She leaps out of bed. "I can handle it myself! Now what is the deal?"

"Just hang on a minute! Go pack your stuff and meet me in the lobby in ten minutes. I'll go get you some breakfast."

I took the elevator down and headed over to the breakfast bar. I got bacon, pancakes (with extra syrup), and eggs. Then I grabbed a glass of orange juice ('cause I wasn't sure if she was in the mood for coffee or not).

I waited a few more minutes for her, but I didn't get any sign of her coming down. So I went back up to give her her breakfast.

Except, by the time I came up to deliver her food, everything was gone but the OJ. Jennifer didn't seem too happy.

"Jordan, you're out of your mind if you want me to hurry up and pack before our late checkout, and give me invisible breakfast, all in one morning. I don't even drink orange juice in the morning! You should know by now that I always drink coffee." She said while brushing her hair and looking at me through the bathroom mirror.

I winced, "I'm sorry, Jennifer. I got hungry on the way up to visit you. I was wondering what was taking you so long! But I guess you're finished now..." She put her brush away and stormed down the elevator. While I stood in one corner of it motionless. I tried to not even breath since she was freaking me out in there.

But I just needed her to wait a little longer. If only she could just be patient...

I put all of our luggage in the trunk, said our goodbyes to Donnie and Stephanie, since it'd be the last time we'd see them until the end of our honeymoon, and sped off. Now, Jennifer wasn't aware of where I was taking her on our honeymoon.

And that's when I surprised her.

We were pulling out onto the road from the parking lot of the hotel, when Jennifer took out her physical map, "Ok, so if we wanna get back home, so we need to take a left right here... Jordan, I said left. Jordan! Crap... What is wrong with you, Jordan? Right is going to bring us west toward the international airport!"

I mutter, "Exactly..."

She said in return, "What?" And I drove us all the way to the airport. I could help but smirk at Jenn when I saw the look on her face when we pulled up to the airport! I got this excited feeling in my stomach that she was going to love her surprise! I hope it'd be equal to her kissing me for days as a return for my gift.

After we got out of security check, Jennifer finally laughed a little and asked, "Ok, Jordan. This may make up for the crappy time that you've been giving me. So, what do you got planned?" She smiles.

"Just wait until we get on the plane!" I wink at her and then I hear her giggle.

As we're listening to the intercom on the plane going over safety rules. I just wait for it to finally say our destination.

Eventually, it spits out, "And now for our nonstop flight from Boston, Massachusetts, to Honolulu, Hawaii!" Jennifer literally squealed on the plane and kissed me all over my face!

I say this was worth getting her aggravated on accident! Or was it on purpose..?

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