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After they apparently had an incident with the yams, they didn't want Jenn to be in complete control of the food. So, I'm helping her make the pie. We're both the best people at making pies in our group of four, so why not have them collab on one pie? I let Jennifer make the crust while I got out the pudding and CoolWhip.

Jordan and Stephanie were in the other room working on the dining table, so they were kinda outta ear shot. I'm not the greatest at small talk, but at this point I just wanted to know was how they got here.

Actually, I was more concerned about how much CoolWhip there was left so I just put that into action. I took a dollop and blop it on Jennifer's nose just because, and she laughed.

She sarcastically says, "Hey!" and puts a dollop on my nose and we laughed together for once.

Then, Stephanie walked in to let us know that the table was ready, but she looked puzzled, "Uh, is there a full moon out, or are you guys actually getting along?"

We both look at her straight in the eyes and say, "Yes." And we start laughing all over again. Jordan joined the three of us in the kitchen, and Jennifer puts a glob of CoolWhip on Jordan's poofy hair. He just looked at her bluntly, but he kisses her anyway.

Meanwhile, Jennifer puts CoolWhip on Steph and I's lips and we kissed. After that, I looked at everyone, licked my lips, and said, "Steph, your strawberry-flavored lipgloss tastes even better with CoolWhip!" I smiled, and everyone laughed.

"Alright, guys! Time for dinner!" Mom called from the dining room. We immediately brought the food to the table and sat where the notecards told us. Mom and I sat at the two heads of the table, Stephanie sat to my right, Jordan to my left, and Jennifer sat next to Jordan. We said grace and began to feast. And by the end of the night, we all looked pregnant! Then, we just laid on the couches in the living room attempting to digest. All was peaceful until somebody knocked at the door.

I couldn't get up (I don't think anyone could...) to see who it was, but Mom got the door, "Joseph! Thank you so much for joining us!"

"Ah, it's nothing. I'm sorry I'm a little late, though." Oh heck no. Joey McMillan. He was the Richie Rich of our old neighborhood back in Boston. Since all four of our houses were across from each others, his house was only down the road. He always had a thing for Jennifer. And I have a bad feeling that he still does... Like, the only reason he came here was to see her...

"No, no! It's alright!" Mom gushed, "Please come in!" I could already tell he was looking for her, 'cause as soon as he stepped inside, he was looking around like a person does when their least-favorite relative comes for visit and you've been hiding from them for a while.

I wanted to tell everyone sprint to the guest room and hide there until he leaves like we're five-year-olds, but it was too late. I didn't feel like moving, and he happened to find us, too. And "more importantly," he found Jennifer...

"Well, hello everyone! Long time, no see! Everyone looks lovely! Especially you, Jennifer." He winks at her as we all sit up.

Jordan tries to but in, "Hey, Joey. I-"

"I'm sorry, but that's Joseph to you." He gave Jordan the stink eye, and Jordan looked pretty annoyed at him, too.

He shoots back, "Right. Well, I just wanted to let you know that Jenn is my girlfriend... Just in case you get any ideas..." He pulls Jennifer closer to her.

"But of course!" He does one of those annoying rich people laughs that just sound fake. "Anywho, if anyone wants to join me, I'll be at the dinner table."

I stand right in front his way get up in his grill (He was always scared of me.), "We already ate." I say firmly. And I sit back down.

"Quite..." Was all he said and he went to go eat.

Mom called, "Guys! You gotta go put away your dishes." Crap. The one time we forget. We all trudge to the table annoyed, keeping our distances.

We go to put our plates away in the kitchen sink and I realize, Jenn is still out there. I go to the corner of the kitchen to spy on her in the dining room. Then Jordan and Steph joined me.

She was getting her plate but Joey grabbed her hand to prevent to go into the kitchen and said, "Jennifer, darling, why are you with Jordan? Honestly, that brunette, curly-headed mutt doesn't deserve to be with you."

Ohhh! It just got real!

Jenn shot back, "Ok, he doesn't deserve to be with me... and neither do you. And you know what? That brunette, curly-headed mutt is my boyfriend. So back off, you bratty Richie Rich!" Ohhh! You want some jam with that burnt toast!?

As if on cue, Jordan comes out and talks like Joey, "Donnie, could you escort this rude being out of your mother's house?"

I smirk and Joey-talk back, "With pleasure!" I tackle him before he runs off and throw him out.

"Bye, loser! I mean, Joey!" Stephanie calls from the door, making and "L" sign with her hand and putting it to her forehead.

That night, I saw a video camera and note attached that said, Here's what we went through to try to surprise you! -Jordan

I started watching it and I laughed how ridiculous Jennifer's suitcase looked. And I watched Stephanie become the hottest weather woman ever. Then, I watched the part about the yams burning, and I just shook my head, smiling. I'm lucky to have these guys in my life.

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