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That night, I really thought she was gonna punch me in the face. Her hands were all balled up and what not. I mean, after she shut the door on me, I fell to my knees in front of her door and I couldn't help but cry a little. I felt like a jerk. I tried to cheer myself up and thought that she'd come back for a big hug like she did the other night, but there was no sign of her when I went back to my apartment. I felt a small wave of depression and it scared me, because it felt like the same kind when Stephanie and I first broke up. I know we're not officially broken up, but I don't wanna think about her considering it, either.
Now, the past couple of weeks it's been awkward. Nobody really celebrated New Year's because we all felt it was gonna be weird. It's almost like I have to check the hallway if she's not there so I can run to the store. I missed her so much, but I wanted to wait until I proposed to maybe change her mind... I know it sounds a little ridiculous, but I like to take risks... That's one of the things she liked about me...
Ok, Donnie. Don't start getting upset now. Tomorrow's the big day anyway, so I'm trying my best to get prepared. I just wanna be ready before I get too tired. Let's see... Preppy outfit? Check! Hair gel, for an extra swooped do? Check! Cologne.... Check...! Long... neck......tie..... Check.........


I wake up and I look at my clock: 1:00 P.M. CRAP! I don't have enough time! I jump out of bed and race to my closet to throw on my outfit, making sure my suit and necktie is in place. I spray on a little bit of cologne (I've learned how much is enough by experimenting throughout grade school.), and make sure my hair looked ok. And last but not least, I shoved a small box in my back pocket. That was about it. I check the time again: 1:10. Ok! Not bad! Not bad. I'll have enough time to invite her to a late lunch on the North Side, and then pop the question!
Now, I wanna get Jordan's feed back, on my look; Make sure it's appropriate.
I walk down the hall, and I hear weeping, sobbing, and slight hysterical crying. And it was coming from Jennifer's door. I opened it, and all I see is Jordan and Jennifer crying and hugging each other while swaying from side to side. I can see mascara rolling down the sides of Jenn's face while her eyes are shut tight.
I knock on the side of the door confused, "Uh, sorry to break up the love-fest, but what's going on?" Jordan and Jennifer jumped when they saw me and then went back to depression.
Jennifer tries to wipe one of her eyes, only smearing the mascara across her face, and cries, "Well, I guess we can tell you now... Stephanie...left for the airport this morning. She got a job interview about a month ago for London and she wasn't sure whether to go or not, unless something made her want to go..." And I guess I... I made her... go..?
Tears start to fill in my eyes and I try to get words out, but there's a lump in my throat when I do, "When did she leave?"
Jennifer said, "Around one. Her flight leaves at one-thirty." I check my watch again: 1:20. Oh my gosh. Oh crap. Oh crap. No. I'm not gonna make it. The airport is almost a half hour away, she'll be gone by then. I can't believe I just let her slip away from me like that.
Tears start to roll down face and I punch the wall, causing a slight dent beside Jenn's front door. I feel furious, angry, confused, and mostly frustrated. Why wouldn't she want to tell me this? Should I just go off the grid, too and figure out if I can be happy again? I love her so much, but I dunno if I'm gonna make it.
I put my hands on my hips, because I don't know what to do at this point and my thumb nudges the box in my back pocket. I take it out and look at the ring, glistening from Jennifer's overhead light.
As I look down at the ring, more tears fill in my already bloodshot eyes, but before they get a chance to roll down my cheeks, I feel a hand go on my right shoulder. I looked up and saw Jordan with a serious expression on his face. And all he said was, "You know what to do."
I roll my lips in between each other and I check my watch one more time: 1:25. Holy crap! A few more tears come into my eyes from doubt that I'm not gonna make it but my heart pumps my legs down the lobby, into a cab, and to the airport as fast as they could. Jordan was right. When you love someone as much as I do, a plane trip shouldn't stop you from whatever your heart tells you. Some people probably think I'm crazy to go through all this trouble just for Stephanie. But you know what? She's worth it.
Everything was fine, until we got a flippin' flat tire from a tack in the road. I just stay there twiddling my thumbs which felt like a nervous ten minutes. And then the guy decides to finally call someone for a tire exchange after all that time. The only thing that kept going over and over in my head was, Please have a delay! Please have a delay! Please have a delay! And then, a miracle came: I could see a light flurry start coming down from the window! And it looked like it was coming a little heavier. But then I heard the cab driver talking to the guy on the other line who said it was gonna be a good twenty minutes for him to exchange a stupid tire. I just hop out of the car and sprint as fast as I could to the airport, trying to be cautious of any ice. Luckily, the airport was only fifteen minutes away by sprinting.
At the airport, I try to find the smallest line and purchase a ticket. My foot kept tapping rapidly. And then it came to the worst part: Security. The lines were long, pointless, and retarded. There were even two sections of security to go through, too! Who does that? Oh, like the first set wasn't as high-tech and ridiculous as the second one.
As I wait in line behind some sweaty ding-dong, I look around for a blonde poof. But nobody looked like the gorgeous girl that I screwed up my chance with. It finally get's to my turn and the machine...breaks. Please, Lord. I'm a nice guy, right? Just lemme go just this once. I'm dyin' here! And my prayer works! It was the security guard's first day on the job, so he didn't know crap, and he let me through!
I start jamming back on my shoes, and I start looking for Steph. I figured that the flight would be leaving around this time since there was a small delay according to the ticket. Which reminds me, I gotta find out where the gate is... I walk while taking a look at my ticket: Gate G.
No way. All. The way. In the back. Of the flippin' airport. I gotta do this for Stephanie, though! I saw a wall clock and I felt a jolt of adrenaline go through me that gave me some extra energy to run across the airport. God, is this your way of showing I messed up, but you'll help me anyway?
I try my best looking for Steph and looking for the gate at the same time. Why did this airport have to be so big?!
I start trying to call her, "Stephanie! Where are you!?" Maybe I should save my breath till I get near the gate. Eventually, I start passing them: C.......D......E.........F.......... I was about a hundred feet away from G.
I start calling her frantically, "Stephanie! Stephanie!" I keep looking and come a little closer and I finally see it: Blonde hair.
And all of the sudden, the whole place became a blur; people, gift shops, and planes became fuzzy. Everything except me and her. It was all in slow motion, too. She was slowly going through the tunnel of a gate so I yelled as loud as I could through the crowded airport:
"STEPHANIE BANKS!!!" She turned around, saw me, dropped the luggage that was in her arms and ran to me. And I did the same. As I ran to her, old memories of us together flashed in front of me; good ones and bad ones. I saw ones of us when I was nervous to dance with her in 9th grade, when we got in the fight, when I gave her my coat near Gina's, when I tried to comfort her when she was distressed. I care about Stephanie ridiculously. More than she'll probably ever know. Throughout middle school, I saw her come in some mornings looking like she wanted to burst out crying, and I wanted to help her. And I always wanted her to know that I would be there for her. And I wanted her to make her the happiest person in the world.
I stopped running for a second because she was really charging at me, and she pounced and I held out my arms so she could wrap her arms (and now legs) around me. She burried her face into my shoulder and I did the same with hers. We cried together and we embraced each other tighter than I've ever hugged anyone in my life.
Finally, muffled through my coat, she sobbed, "I don't wanna go, Donnie!"
My voice tried to whisper back, "I know. Stephanie, I was an idiot. I never wanted to lose you. You just sneaked right past me and I wouldn't have known. Stephanie, I love you so much! I don't wanna lose you!"
"I love you, too Donnie! I was scared I was going to lose you, too! I started regretting my whole decision of going when I was starting to walk into the gate."
I finally stopped hugging after a good while (I almost wanted to keep hugging Steph outta comfort of her being there.). We just stood there, looking deep into each other's bloodshot eyes and smiling.
Ok, I figured maybe now would be a good time to do what I've been waiting a long time to finally do...
I get down on one knee, and I get out the box with the sparkly ring. Her face gets red and she cups her hands over her mouth and more tears fall out of her eyes, which makes me can't help but well up while kneeling. And before I can start asking her, she starts nodding her head a head a bunch of times. My grin gets even bigger. And she gets down onto my level, smiles, puts her hands on my face, and kisses me. And as she does, I put my hands into fists and wave them in the air like success, and I hear people clap for us in the background! I couldn't have felt more of a happy man.
Well, now I can try this out: Mrs. Stephanie Walker. I love it already! I can't believe I'm going to marry one my most favorite people!
We finally get up from our kneeling positions and I slide the ring on her finger. It looks gorgeous on her. We can't stop smiling as we walk out of the airport and I'm still trying to contain myself, so it comes out in little nibble-like kisses on her cheek, multiple times. Eventually, I get so excited that I pick her up and carry her like the old fashion couples do and we kiss on the way out!
Time to tell the others the big news! Love ya, Steph!

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