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"Donnie are you ok?!" Was the first thing that Stephanie said when I tripped and rolled down the hill to the next neighborhood. I think I could feel my kneecap sting under my jeans but I tried to ignore it.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Hey, do you think you could help me up?" I asked while holding out my hand, trying to not smirk.

"Sure..." And I pulled her down next to me and we laughed together. Stephanie got it. She always understood what I was trying to go for. She doesn't get mad at me if I tease like that. And that's when I pulled myself a little closer to her and we kissed.

When we finally stopped, I smiled and asked, "So, what do you think of this year's Halloween, now?"

"I think it's lovely." And she kisses me one more time before we get up.


We sat on the carpet back at Jennifer's place and poured out our butt-loads of candy (That other neighborhood never lets me down!) and we started to trade.

I start, "So, who wants my laffy taffy?"

"Oooh! I'll take it!" Jennifer cries.

"Does anyone want my Gobstoppers?" Stephanie asks.

"I'll take e'm!" I say.

"Does anyone want my Whoppers?" Jordan asks. Everyone shakes their heads. He tries again, "What about my Milk Duds?" Still silence.

Then Jennifer pipes up again and says, "Oh, alright..." And snatches them out of his hand.

"Crap on a stick!" Steph cries.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I didn't get any Reese's this year!"

Jenn, "Neither did I."

Me, "Neither did I..."

We all look at Jordan and his face gets red.

"What are you lookin' at me for?" He half-smiles.

I try to "sweet talk" him, "Jordan, do you like to share?" He sits there staring at me with wide eyes and nods. I start to get up while he's still on the ground. "And do you like Reese's?" He nods again. "Well, wouldn't you like both of them together..?" He starts to get up and we go into a brawl.

I put him into a headlock with my one arm. And the girls were chanting for both of us even though Jordan was choking for air, but they kinda sounded like, "Don-nan! Jor-nnie!" He started to tap out and gave each of us two Reese's. I don't get how he got all of those Reese's, but the truth may come out one day...

"Thanks, Don-Don!" Steph giggled. It felt like a while since she's called me that, and it felt really good when she did!

That night when we all went back to our apartments, I was about to get into the shower when I remembered the pain in my leg from earlier. I looked down and I realized my kneecap really was bleeding. It dried up by then, but when I was about to scratch my knee and I saw it... Crap. My knee was itchy, too!

Anyway, now we got another holiday to deal with: Thanksgiving. This morning I got a call from my mom saying my grandma is in the hospital. So now, I'm not gonna even be able to spend time with the gang for Thanksgiving this year. I really didn't wanna miss out on this. It'd be my first Thanksgiving with my girlfriend and everyone together. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love my grandma. And I know family comes first. But, I love my homies back in Boston, too... I just don't know how I'm gonna break it to everyone. Especially Stephanie. She's been looking forward to this for... well, maybe she hasn't thought about it too hard...

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