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Ok, so we ditched Lulu's Sushi. Jordan drove ourselves to the Boardwalk. I think we're gonna spy on Donnie and Stephanie and see what they're up to. Since he put us at a place that has one of our least favorite foods, we're gonna probably "visit" them and see what else we can get ourselves into.

So there's this restaurant at the end of the boardwalk called What's Cookin'? and Donnie and Stephanie got a nice booth with a great view of the ocean; right where we can see them. We start heading past the lady who seats the customers and went straight for their table. Only, when were about a hundred feet away from Donnie and Steph, Jordan stops walking. He starts to feel... guilt.

"Uh, Jenn, I don't know if we should do this anymore. I've got a bad feeling about it. Maybe Donnie's head wasn't screwed on just right at that moment when he was making plans. C'mon. Let's go..."

I did not just come all the way here to just leave immediately after. I'm giving them what they deserve for ruining a perfectly good night!

"Jordan," I yank his hand for him to come with me, "how about we go this way..." And I bring him toward the table.

I slide right next to Donnie and go, "Hey there, Donnie!" I say sarcastically cheerful, "Is that burger good?" His mouth was full with a piece of it already in his mouth, and slowly, and annoyingly, nods his head. I swipe it from his hands and throw it out the window so a seagull will have something to eat before the burger hits the ocean. Jordan had a nervous look on his face and I death stared him so he'd be a little more intimated. And then he went ahead and poured Stephanie's meal into the ocean, in conclusion.

Donnie quickly swallows his food, "Jennifer! What the heck is the matter with you!? I only took one bite of that! I was starving! We were both starving! Do you know how long it took that food to get here!?" He looked pretty furious now. Oops-y...

"Jordan?! Really? I'm dying of hunger right now!" Stephanie cried.

The fact that Jordan actually seemed a little scared of me did not give me a good feeling. Crap, not I feel... guilty.

Donnie looked like he was ready to just burst of anger and scream at Jordan and I, when he- walks out?

"Donnie, wait! Where are you going!?" Steph calls as she tracks back to him. I was about to say sorry, but he walks off. Alrighty then...

"C'mon Jordan. We gotta apologize." I grab his hand and we catch up with the others.

"Donnie, I'm-" Donnie interrupts my apology.

"You know what? It's fine. But honestly, nobody comes up to Donnie Walker and throws his perfectly good burger out the window! And especially his girlfriend's meal..." He glares at Jordan (I think I saw his face get a little red!), "I just don't get why-"

"STEP RIGHT UP! STEP RIGHT UP! WE NEED TWO VOLUNTEERS FOR THE DUNK BOOTH. WE NEED ANYONE! ANYONE AT ALL!" A man announces with a megaphone. Donnie smirked at the man. Uh-oh...

"Hey homie! I got two contestants right over here!" He shoves Jordan and I in front of him.

"Donnie!" I cry.

"Perfect!" Says the man proudly.

"Uh, Donnie? What the heck!? I'm gonna get my clothes all wet!" I whine.

"Nah, it's all good. They offer bathing suits." He says still having that stupid smirk on his face.

"But what about my makeup?"

"Steph brought her makeup bag." He crosses his arms, still smirking! I hate this.

"You're just enjoying yourself aren't you, Walker?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

The man went away for a little bit when we were bickering and he came back with a red one piece and matching swim trunks for Jordan. Jordan didn't seem to care, he just went with it. I guess he thought he deserved it or something.

We went into the changing rooms and I slipped on my bathing suit and walked over to one of the booths. This is the most humiliating thing in my life. I thought, At least Jordan'll be with me...

I sit in one of the boards while my feet dangle and feel the chill of cold water as I watch Jordan get into the booth next to me. I just look at him with a concerned face because I got him into this, but I think he was feeling differently about it.

"Jennifer! This is gonna be so cool! I've always wanted to be in one of these! You never know when you're gonna go down! Plus, I've been feeling warm all day and this will cool me off!" He said all cheerful.

I just look at him with a look of sarcasm and say, "Ok."

"THE DUNKING BOOTHS ARE NOW OFFICIALLY REOPEN!" The same man from before announces.

I guess it takes a second or two for a line to form because our first customer was Donnie.

"Hey guys! How ya doin'?" He puts his hands on his hips happily. He walks over to my booth. Great. "Gee Steph, I feel a little tired." He "yawns" and "stretches" to the point his hand is right next to the target and punches it. Down I go! And I wasn't ready either, 'cause I inhaled a little water as I went down.

I cough a little when I come up, "Donnie..." I mutter. My ponytail is now soaked but ya know, the rest of my body is too since somebody made me go to the dunk booth against my will! I think I heard Stephanie giggle a little when he ignited me into the tub of water.

Donnie says, "Hey, we'll be back to check on you guys. Steph and I are gonna hit the bumper cars! Good luck!" I hate him so much right now.

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