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Last night we ended up going to Gina's since it was surprisingly a few blocks from the chapel. It was so cute and romantic of him! We still wore our tux and dress there, too just to get some more use out of it. And there's just something about splitting a milkshake with your new husband while in a fancy getup that brings back the memory of when he first made it a thing to get a milkshake at Gina's on prom night. I remember sitting at that place for the first time, taking it all in. And my poofy dress flared out in out in front me when I sat down, the same way my wedding dress did.

We split a milkshake with two straws in it. I still got that giddy feeling when I'd accidentally make eye contact with him while drinking out of my straw, and then I'd quickly move my eyes to somewhere else in the room. Which he usually did, too. But this time, I felt him still gazing at me.

I was gonna stop drinking out of my straw and giggle, because it was all I could've done to handle my face feeling from getting warmer than it should've. But he stopped drinking out of his straw first and he was being the cutest human being ever.

"Did I tell you you look gorgeous, tonight?" He smirked. I push our milkshake to the side, and I kissed him passionately.

The next morning, I woke up from one of the best sleeps I'd gotten in weeks! I woke up on my right side, so Donnie was the first thing I saw when I woke up (which excited me and scared me for a quick sec because I forgot we were married.). And I guess he's an early riser, because he was already looking at me on his side, still laying there.

And with a grainy hint in his voice from just waking up, he croaked, "Good morning, my beautiful wife."

"Good morning, my handsome husband." I grinned back. And that's when I laid on top of him and played with his hair. Except, the peacefulness turned into embarrassment real quick after we realized Jennifer was in the same vicinity as we were...


"So, where are we going?" I giggle at Donnie later that evening. He told me he'd makeup for our interruption from this morning. Even if we were having a peaceful morning together, I guess he felt bad that it was cut short.

"You'll see! It's a surprise!" He smirks. "Just wear something... dressy!" Hmmm, I'll happily oblige!

I went to my suit case and I found my light pink, a little bit above-the-knee v-neck dress that I'd just bought a few days before the wedding.

That night, when I was finally dolled up, Donnie led me to the lobby and told me to wait there until he got the car. But instead, he pulled up in a limo. I've always wanted to be in one!

"Donnie! What is all this?" I smile.

"Stephanie," he said straightening his tux. "I figured I should kill two birds with one stone; marry you, and also bring you to prom the way I imagined it in the first place." I couldn't believe it. He dreamt about rolling up in my driveway with a limo and everything? The four of us were never super wealthy when we were younger...

He took us to our old high school and chills went up my spine. Memories flood in, and I can't help but smile. He takes me to the back door that leads to the empty gym floor. When we walk in, the disco ball was still there from the same night. A romantic, slow song was playing in the background, but not super loudly. Almost like it was trying to be faint, but it bounced off the walls, amplifying it's a sound a little bit.

"Donnie... This is incredible!" I say as I gaze around the room.

"I hoped you did." And he takes my hand and we slow dance. Even after all the dancing at the wedding, I still didn't feel tired of it. I laid my head on his shoulder as we swayed back and forth.

And that's how the rest of the night went. Well, other than the fact that I kissed him after we got back to the hotel.

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