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Boy, I didn't think we could do it. But these girls are real go-getters when it comes to events. As soon as we settled the plans to surprise Donnie in Maine, Stephanie started calling his mother and Jennifer started booking plane tickets while I just sat there and drank a cold glass of milk, watching it all. Jenn told me that I should video tape the whole event so that way Donnie would get to see the process of getting ready to surprise him. I think it's a cool idea! Something... different. Jennifer went out earlier today and bought this grey, cool-looking video camera.

So, I figured I probably don't wanna start too late. Why not start from the beginning so Donnie can feel like he was there from day one? So, once I finished packing that morning of the week of Thanksgiving, I head over to Jennifer's apartment and I get out the video camera. I went up to her and her suitcase and started filming.

"Ok, so, this is Day 1 of operation 'DDub Day' where we are packing up and about to leave for Maine." I said behind the camera. I moved it around the room so he would get to see the mess Jenn created with all of her clothes on the floor from picking out what to wear.

Then I heard giggling from behind me and it was Jennifer, and I put the camera on her. "And here is Jennifer in the flesh. Tell us, Jennifer. How do you feel about Day 1 of operation 'DDub Day'?"

Then she smiled at the camera and said, "Well, I just hope that this plan works because we're taking a risk for Donnie. So, I hope he'll enjoy what we had to go through to do all of this."

Then I noticed Stephanie in the background looking out of Jenn's window (probably looking at the weather). So, I start to walk over to Stephanie and conclude Jennifer for the time being (Hey, I wanted to include everyone and I knew for sure that he'd want to see Stephanie in action, too!). I said, "Thank you for your time Ms. Beasley and now onto Stephanie with... apparently the weather! Stephanie, what do you think it's gonna be like on the outside?"

She looked kinda concerned as she looked out Jenn's apartment window. "Well, it looks a little cloudy out, but mostly sunshine and rainbows from here!"

"Fantastic! Would you like to add anything else to conclude?"

"You know what? You're right! Do it for Don-Don!" She cheered toward the camera.

"Well, there you have it folks. Our new mantra, 'Do it for Don-Don!'" I turn it to where it's completely on me, "I'm Jordan Carter, signing off!" And I wave with my one hand and turn off the camera with the other.

"That's a wrap for now!" I announce to the girls.

"Well, you'll have to get it ready again when we're on the plane!" Jenn says while attempting to zip up her suitcase. "Stephanie, can you sit on my suitcase while I try to zip it up. I'm having the hardest time with this piece of crap."

Stephanie says, "Um, ok." But when she tries to sit on the suitcase, Jenn still couldn't close it. Stephanie was too light compared to all of the clothes sticking out. Then Jennifer tried to sit on it with her and together they were still too light for it!

I get wide-eyed when I saw all of the clothes sticking out and try to talk some sense into her, "Uh, Jenn, we're only going to be there for a little less than a week. Are you sure you need all of this?"

Jennifer looked surprised at me, "LESS than a WEEK!? Omigosh! Well, I should've packed more, but I guess this'll have to do..." She sighs and goes, "Jordan, can you just sit on the other side of the suitcase so I can finally close this contraption?"

"Fine..." I was trying to prove a point, but I didn't want to be late for our flight, either. So I sat on the suitcase with the girls and we just barely got it zipped up all the way so it took a us a good half hour.

By that time, we were almost late to the airport. We even rushed through security and were the last people to get onto the plane! Donnie better be happy when we get here!

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