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Today is the day they come out of there! Finally! The gang will become one again! I ran over to Jordan's apartment and his door was surprisingly open (He must be learning from the master!). So I took his shoulders and shook them all over the place (gently, in a way) and cried, "C'mon! C'mon! Wake up, Jordan! Get up! They're gonna be out of the hospital today! And they won't have to wear gowns anymore!" I don't know why I yelled out the last part like it was an achievement, but I did. His eyes immediately opened as wide as they could (It was too cute!), hopped straight out of bed, and got out of his boxers and into his clothes as fast as you could say "Jack Robinson"!

We hopped into my car (Since, you know, Jordan's is now demolished...), but I let him drive because I know he knows better (Like, he's been driving for how long now?). So we raced to the hospital and went to Don and Steph's room (We basically latched arms and skipped the whole way like it was The Wizard of Oz!). But when we went into their room they weren't in there. Did we skip so fast that we passed them? Hmm.

"Lets split up." Jordan suggested, "You check the waiting room and the ladies' room, I'll check the men's and the lobby."

So, we did.

There wasn't much to check in the waiting room since it's small and all there is, is chairs. And all the stalls were empty in ladies' room. And Jordan didn't get anything either. Where the heck are they!?

"Maybe they're back at the apartment already." He said. We head over to the car (Jordan held the door for me and it was as sweet as can be!) and there, out of all the places, Donnie and Stephanie are sitting in the two front seats looking at us, smirking.

"Hey!" They say in unison.

"Wha-? How!?" I was too confused.

"Oh, ya know," Stephanie said, "we just hid in the elevator!"

"The elevator? But we used the elevator." Jordan said.

"It's a long story, my friend." Donnie gets out of the car and gives him assuring pats on the back and smiles.

"So, now that we can actually get back to our everyday lives now," Steph announces, "what about Miami? I don't even know where the tickets are..."

"You know, I was thinking about it a little while you guys were riding away in the ambulance, so I checked the car before they towed it away. They're still valid!" I chirped.

"Girl, how do you think about that when all of that was going on?" Jordan asked concerned.

"Hey, you never know!" I reply.

We all hopped in the car, but we all took it easy at my apartment. I felt like I was taking care of elderly people for the rest of the day.

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