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Jordan. That's all I ever think about now. Like, this morning, I woke up refreshed and like a million bucks! I felt like Cinderella when she woke up and sung to the birds out her window- practically frolicking around on a light cloud.

Today, we're going to the movies! I'm so excited because Jordan and I are gonna share a jumbo bowl of popcorn together and purposely reach for some at the same time! Oh, the feels!

Jordan and I walked into theatre B to see Back to the Future Part III and Donnie saved our seats with a bunch of heavy jackets lying in all of them. We held our clammy hands together while Jordan's other hand had the jumbo popcorn bowl in his arm, like he was carrying a baby. I chucked one of the jackets at Donnie's face (the jacket was heavier than I thought...Jeetz!) when I sat down.

"Gosh, Donnie!" I cried, "What did you put in this thing? Rocks?"

"Ow!" He blurted when it came in contact with his face, "Uh, no. It's just good for the winter time, genius." Good ol' Donnie... Not. Jordan just handed him his jacket since Donnie was right next to him.

Stephanie finally came in to save me (other than sweet lil' Jordy) so I could stop nagging Donnie while Jordan just sat there in the middle of our argument with a bored face.

"Thank the heavenly angels above that you're here!" I squealed. A few people shushed me and I waved it off behind me.

"Um, ok." She sounded confused, "Well, I'm just gonna go sit with Donnie now..."

"Wait! I can't sit next to Donnie. He's super annoying. I don't see why you're together, at all. Can I just sit in between you and Jordan?"

"I don't care. I don't think we really made arrange-"

"But I wanna sit next to Donnie." Jordan butted in (He's so cute when he whines!), "C'mon, I gotta be around at least one guy in my life. Jennifer, I love you to the moon and back, but..." He looked back at Donnie who was all by his lonesome engaged in the movie, not even paying attention (What a dip-wad!), "You understand what I'm getting at, right?" He looked so concerned for me with those big puppy dog eyes! How could I not say no!?

"Ok, I'll sit on the end, Stephanie and I can chat at the end of the movie, alright? As long as I'm not sitting next to Donnie!"

After the movie, we were starving since the popcorn just didn't help at all (we were so engaged we couldn't eat). So, we noshed on fries at McDonald's.

Sitting at McDonald's, Donnie threw a flippin' french fry in my gorgeous hair! Jordan tried to get it out of my hair, but it was so tangled up in all the spiraled curls, that he had to dig through just to get it out! He ended up finding it in my permed mess and ate it! Then, he started coughing really loudly from the loads of hairspray I put in my giant hair (his hacking was too adorable, though!). I slapped him on the back just to get the extra puff of hairspray out of his system.

That did it!

"You ok, man?" Donnie asked.

Between coughs (And me rubbing his back since his shirt was, like, cotton), Jordy said, "Yeah, it's all good. Note to self, never eat food from Jenn's hair... Ever..."

"So," Stephanie changes the subject, "I won four free all paid expense tickets to a really fancy hotel in Miami! So, we can all hang at the beach and play volleyball or something!"

Everyone was so excited (Especially me, 'cause like, I was gonna tan with Jordan all day!)!

"Sweet!" I squealed, "How'd you get those?"

"Oh, I was trying to call Donnie, and I got side tracked listening to the radio, and I accidentally punched in that number. And here we are!" Steph explained.

"So then what were you gonna tell me when you were gonna call me?" Donnie asked.

"I just wanted to say I love you!" She started nose rubbing him like a bunny rabbit. Like, what the heck?

Donnie flirted, "Hey, I'll take that phone call any day." Good Lord, I think I'm gonna be sick.

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