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I didn't see Donnie for the rest of the day. Actually, the whole day felt like it was dragging by. I mean, my best friend lost the one he loved, and I know how much Stephanie loved him, too. So, for the rest of the night, Jennifer and I watched all of the break up scenes from Saved By The Bell. I mean, even if he did end up finding her, she'd probably be aggravated. and they'd officially breakup...
And what scared me the most is picturing Donnie going back to his depressed self again. If I entered his apartment once in a while in the past, I'd walk in on him putting shellack on the holes in the walls that he punched out of anger.
Jenn and I sit at her kitchen table looking at her front door thinking something was gonna happen. In fact, I thought I was hallucinating when I saw Donnie bust open the door with Stephanie in his arms.
I just cry and put my head in my arms on the table and cry, "IT'S TRUE! THEY BROKE UP!" I look up and the room goes quiet, and I realize everyone is looking at me bluntly and I realize Donnie is holding Stephanie in his arms. Wait... Then, I see Stephanie's hand with Donnie's ring that he bought for her.
My eyes light up and I jump all around the room and hug Jennifer, "THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Jennifer looks at me bored. Hey, it's not my fault I'm a little behind! Donnie puts down Stephanie and we all have a group hug. They looked so happy! It looked like the worst was past them!
Stephanie joked after the hug, "Hey, Jordan. So, when do you think you'll propose to Jennifer?" Well, at least I think she was joking... I got a funny feeling and my face felt warm, anyway. Everyone's looking at me at this point and Jenn started to smile.
I try to play it cool. I'd like to maybe propose to her soon, but this was too much pressure. I try to laugh it off, put my arm around Jenn and said, "We'll see!" And I smirk. I think that helped.
I figured we should celebrate somewhere, and I got hungry, so I suggested goin' to Pizza Plus. But everyone looked at me sarcastically. I guess they took it the wrong way... At least Donnie started to lightened up and he thought it was a good idea. So, we went. And thank God, too. I was starving by the time we got there!
My eyes light up once I smell fresh pizza inside the joint, and I race to the cashier, "Ok, I'll have one large pepperoni pizza. Ooh! With extra pepperoni!"
Jennifer butted in, "Jordan, how much more pepperoni could you put on one pizza?"
I look at her in the eyes and I say, "A lot."
Donnie fed Stephanie a pizza slice (I didn't think people did that...), Jennifer ate her pizza Brooklyn style, and I scarfed down five slices before anyone could get to their second one! I think I was smacking loudly the whole time, too because everyone stopped eating for a second and looked at me after I was finishing up the fifth slice...
Jennifer said, "Jordan, you're acting like you haven't eaten in three days." She should know by now that I take my pizza very seriously. I live it to the fullest. I never know if I'm ever gonna eat pizza again. That's why I wanna go to Pizza Plus so often.
Then when we got home, the love birds rubbed noses and giggled a bunch. I almost felt a little jealous, so I kissed Jennifer. She just looked confused.
I was done for the night. But, Donnie and Stephanie have been making me seriously think about proposing to Jennifer! And that's why it was so hard for me to go to sleep, too. I kept punching and fluffing my pillow, but nothing was working. Jennifer's probably been waiting a long time for me to propose, anyway. So, I gotta make this perfect for her.
I learned from Donnie's mistake to just propose as soon as possible, before something random comes up. Jennifer better not get a random job offer before I get a ring for her. I need to get to the jewelry store tomorrow, but I need Donnie's opinion on what kind of ring I should get. The one he bought for Steph looked pretty legit.

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