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Ok, I know its' gonna be about a month before I propose, but I just can't help having a smile on my face all the time! Honestly, December is such a colorful month, that I almost considered proposing around Christmas! But I wanna make a good impression for her so I'm trying to be the best boyfriend I can. I'm trying to not screw this up at least a month before. I know, I know. She'll love me for who I am and all that mush. I figured that I should just treat her a little better since it's Christmas, anyway.
And as a surprise, today I decorated her apartment for Christmas! She went out to get some ingredients to make Christmas cookies with Jennifer. So while she was gone, I decked out the living room with a bunch of her Christmas stuff and made it all nice. I even put her fireplace on to make it cozy for her. I waited in my apartment, but I left the door open because I was listening to my cassette player with my headphones on. And all of the sudden I see slightly big, curly, blonde hair blur pass my door. I quickly pause my music, tear off my headphones, and sprint to her door.
Luckily, I was able to get to the door before her. I said, "Stephanie! Hey, I have a surprise for you, but it's inside your apartment! Um, close your eyes and I'll lead you inside."
"Oooh! Ok!" Steph closes her eyes with one hand and held my own hand with the other, and I took her into her apartment. I walk her to the point she's standing in the living room.
I let go of her and hand and say, "Ta-da!" She opened her eyes and gasped when she saw the fireplace going with her stocking hung up, the Christmas tree lit, pictures of everyone on the mantel, one of her softest blankets that she owned (Not to mention, her favorite one.), and a couple of other things to make it cozy and Christmasy; just the way she likes it.
She looked at me proudly, "You did all of this...for me?" I actually looked down, smiled, and nodded. She kissed me and I felt so happy for her. But for some reason, when she kissed me, it felt different. I don't know why it felt different or how it felt, but it was off in some way.
Then I remembered that I wanted to celebrate and see if we could all go to a favorite (More like a favorite that she and Jennifer like): The Nutcracker. Eh, I don't care too much for it. Jordan and I try to stay awake when the toy people start dancing across the stage toward the end. It's not our favorite, but we just go with it. It's only one time outta the year, right?
"So, Steph?" I start, "I got four tickets to go see The Nutcracker. I remember when you were into it a while ago. Did you still wanna go?"
"Actually, Donnie," Uh-oh. "I got us four tickets to go to the wrestling match for tonight. I mean, unless you still wanna go to The Nutcracker that's fine! I'm cool with anything."
She has wrestling tickets for tonight? Wow, she's good! Jordan's gonna enjoy tonight's field trip!
"Why not change it up!?" I quickly say.
"Are you sure, Donnie? 'Cause I mean, we don't have to go if you don't want to..." Stephanie grins and "sympathizes".
"Are you kidding!? Steph, you know me all too well to not turn down this offer! Let's go wrestling, babe!"


"Jordan! Get down here! We gotta leave in less than five minutes!" Is what I called from the hallway. I did not wanna be late for this event. I forgot the last time I've been to a wrestling match! It was like an early Christmas present! Steph really outdid herself this time. Only, I think it really was an early Christmas present.
Jordan called back, "Hang on a second! My hair looks lopsided from the way I blowdried it!"
I didn't realize I got frustrated at him 'til my accent thickened up a little, "Well, trow on a hat, and LET'S GO!!" Oops... Um, I'm antsy to leave! Heh...
Now Jennifer got annoyed at me for "picking on" her boyfriend. Oh brother... "Don-ie! What the heck is wrong with you!? Jordan isn't doing anything wrong and you're getting mad at him. You know if I-"
"You know what?" I get sarcastic with her, "I honestly don't care and I just wanna get out of here before this place drives me nuts!"
Stephanie steps in, "Ok, Donnie, just calm down! It's fine! We only got- OMIGOSH! JORDAN! GET YOUR SORRY BUTT DOWN HERE!!" He runs toward us wearing a backwards baseball cap.
"Ok! Ok! I'm ready!" He spits out.
"Alright! Let's go!" I announce, and we pile into the elevator and head down to the octagon!

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