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Ok, I'm so glad that there is actual daylight outside!! The haunted house and the darkness and all things creepy were starting to freak me out where I almost thought I needed to call Donnie. I was just happy I had someone to cling onto when I thought I was gonna jump ten feet in the air from the scary stuff inside that place..

This morning, it looks gorgeous out! Even for a Halloween morning, it looks pretty nice. Like a walk in the park nice! I check my clock on my nightstand: 9:32 A.M. Huh, Donnie should be knocking at my door with our Starbucks coffee right about- *KNOCK* *KNOCK* *KNOCK* Whoomp there it is!

"Come in!" I call. He comes in with a bright smile on his face, his sandy blonde hair swooped perfectly to the side, and two coffee cups in his hands.

"Good morning, gorgeous!" He said cheerfully.

"Thanks, Don." I giggle, "So, what's this all about? Usually, you don't just come into my room looking extra cute for me with Starbucks coffee. Usually, that's only for special occasions..."

"I know it! So, what do you think it is then?" He smirks at me.

"Umm, I'm not sure. I don't think there's an anniversary of any sort and it's not me or any of our birthdays so... Ok, I have no idea. What is it?"

"It's Halloween!"

"Well, I'm aware of that. Was that actually... it?"

"No, no, no! What I'm trying to say is, well, when was the last time you trick-or-treated?"

"You want us to go trick-or-treating?"

"Well not just us, I was also thinking Jordan and Jennifer, too."

"Aren't we a little too old going trick-or-treating? I mean, wouldn't it be weird seeing a bunch of twenty-somethings roaming around in weird outfits on Halloween night?"

"Steph, we're never too old to trick-or-treat. People do it all the time at this age. We don't have to do it every year. I know I haven't. I just wanted to do with our group. Just this once. Please?"

I think about it for a moment and I make my decision, "Alright. Why not?"

"Sweet! Thanks Steph! I think we're gonna have a fun time!" And then he kissed me as if it was a way to approve it.

"Wait, Donnie!" I called for him from my bed before he rushed out the door.


"What are we supposed to be? For when we dress up?"

"Oh yeah! I got it all planned out: Jordan will be Dracula, I will be Frankenstein, you will be Marilynn Monroe, and Jennifer will be Audrey Hepburn!" Donnie had it all figured out, and he was good at thinking of what our costumes would be. Because I had no earthly clue on what to be!

Donnie went ahead and told the others and at first they weren't sure either, but then he actually convinced them in the end to join us.

So, we all met up at Jenn's house 'cause she has all the makeup were gonna need!

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