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It was an early Christmas gift. I'm not sure what to get him for actual Christmas Day and it's bothering me. I got gifts for Jenn and Jordan, but for some reason I'm having a major brain fart for Donnie. I want it to be a sentimental-type gift, but I just don't know what it would be, though... It better come to me soon. Maybe I'm just stressed from thinking about the job offer too much. It's just that I try to go over the pros and cons, but then I find too many cons and it scares me. I just don't know what to do.
When our cab pulls up to where the wrestling match will be held, I tell Donnie and Jordan that Jennifer and I have to go to the bathroom (Which is partially true. I mean, I actually have to use the bathroom but I don't know if she does...) When we walk in, I felt a giant wave of anxiety come over me (Good thing there was no one else in there!), and I burst out to Jennifer, "What am I gonna do, Jenn!? I'm so confused! I worry about you guys! And I don't even know how Donnie's gonna feel! "
She was oddly calm for what was happening to me, "You know what? We need to talk about it at Starbucks. Tomorrow. Get it all out. And we can compromise what's gonna happen before it's too late. Oops..."
I tilt my head to the side and sniffle, "What?"
Her face got a little read and said, "You know, before it's too late for when you leave! That way, you know what you're really gonna do if you go there and stuff... Right?"
I smiled because thinking about getting organized for the New Year made me feel better, "Right!" I agreed.
"Alright! Good talk. Now let's go!" She quickly said and she takes my hand to go to the match.
We rushed through the crowd and to the seats where I saw a brown poof and a blonde swoop. Found 'em! I think we were all enjoying ourselves there... Well, maybe not Jennifer. Donnie looks like he was having the best time ever compared to The Nutcracker. I bet he thinks I didn't see him and Jordan catching up on Z's during the performance! No joke, they threw their popcorn toward the audience when we won the wrestling match. I just figure that the boys did so much for us, that Jenn and I should return the favor. I hope she at least found something entertaining out of it. But eventually, she got so zoned into the match that she started yelling along with the three of us. And when we heard her voice, we stopped screaming and just looked at her.
All she said was, "What?" Oh, Jennifer...
After the match we just all talked at once about how great it was. And then as we walked out, Donnie checked the time on the wall clock in the lobby and cried, "CRAP! Steph, we're gonna be late if we don't get back to your apartment in five minutes!"
"Late for what?" I was so confused.
"There's no time! The one other time we take a cab..." He grumbled.
Jenn suggested, "I'll go call another one."
Donnie was frustrated and said, "It's gonna take too long to get here! C'mon Steph." He tightly held my hand and yanked me outta there.
I was concerned now, "Donnie, why can't we even wait five minutes for-"
"Steph, we gotta break into a sprint or else we won't make it!" He cut in.
He kept holding my hand as we raced down to the apartment. Luckily, we weren't that far away, but it was still a workout! Oh no... Don't tell me it's raining!! By the time we got inside, we were pooped and I was frustrated because he made me do all of this exercise, we were drenched in freezing rain, and I was completely out of breath by the time we made it back to my apartment.
I was pretty mad and miserable by the time we got into my apartment, "Donnie Walker, what the HECK is wrong with you!?" I keep rambling breathlessly as he just keeps his mouth shut and quietly fixes up the living room by taking me over and sitting ourselves down on the couch and put my favorite blanket over us. Then he found the TV remote and switched it on.
At this point, I almost felt bad for nagging at him, "And do you know how stressful it is to-"
He put his index finger to my lips and whispered, "Shhh. Just relax..." He started quickly flipping channels until he found my favorite Christmas movie: Home Alone. And it was just now starting. I finally figured out why he wanted us home so quick. I was so exhausted though. Donnie laid on my arm and below my chin. He kissed me on the cheek and this time, I felt a warm fuzzy feeling when his soft lips touch my cheek. I couldn't help but smile. And I stroked his blonde hair while we were wrapped up in the blanket, watching Home Alone and listened to each other's breathing. I was really enjoying the moment I was having with him. It was so soothing and peaceful...that I think we're...a little...sleepy....
"That's a keeper..!" Jennifer?

The Relationship Status: The Big Day (2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن