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This is so trippy! I miss Donnie so much! Earlier I almost felt someone touch my hand and shots of electricity went through me. Which meant the only person that could do that to me was Donnie. So that must mean... He's alive!? I tried to squeeze his hand back to let him know that I was ok. But maybe a doctor had to check my pulse or something. No, only Donnie can make me feel like that. Hmmm. Comas make me feel like I'm on for what feels like an hour long commercial break of Saved by the Bell. I feel like my brain is shifting gears. Oh crap, is this gonna be a dream?

I randomly find myself on a pouring rainy day behind our apartment building. I'm in the back of the building though, by the dumpster, and I see Donnie shirtless and comes toward me. Then he pushing me against the wall and starts making out with me... It felt kinda nice, but something was different. Like he didn't mean it that time.

Once I get him to stop kissing me I say, "Donnie, what are you doing?"

"Uh, what else? I'm kissing you. You wanted to meet me here, right?"

"Um, no I didn't say that."

"Well, don't you still like it?"

"I don't know why, but I'm just not feeling it, Donnie. I just don't know why. Maybe if I sleep on it, I'll be ok."

"But Steph, you are sleeping." How does he know this? "Maybe we're just not compatible anymore.

"No, no! It's not that! I swear! I don't know what the heck is wrong with me! Honest! If you'd just let me wake up from-"

"Your coma? C'mon, Steph. It's been three years since then, how long are you going to use that excuse? Maybe we should just- take a break... We could look for Amanda and Kevin, right?" Excuse me? And then he just walks away and magically disappears. I don't even know where he went.

"Donnie!" I call. "Donnie! Where are you!? Please! I hated Kevin and you know you never liked Amanda! Please! I love you!" It was no use. I couldn't find him. This was a nightmare. Since when do I not feel Donnie's love? Since when does he want us to go our separate ways and go out with the people we cheated on each other with again? It was a dream, that's why. I'm in a coma so I'm not gonna feel anything unless it's from the real world.

Donnie, I hope you're ok.

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