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After Donnie ran out for Steph, Don kinda left me cut off since I was in the middle of asking what to do. So, I just went with my first instinct; I'll pay for the glasses and coffee!
The worker walked out of the men's room with stained pants. I walked up to him confidently and said, "Excuse me, sir. I apologize about bumping into you. I don't know what I was thinking." I pull out my wallet, "How much are the glasses and coffee?"
The guy looked at me annoyed and bluntly said, "A hundred dollars." I choked up for a second. A hundred dollars? For real?
I looked at him surprised, "Um, not to be rude, but are you sure?" He gave me a grim look and nodded. Jeez. I bumped into the wrong guy... I start looking down disappointed as I go through my wallet for exact change.
Jennifer found me and says, "Jordan! What are you doing?"
I whimper, "Paying for the glasses and coffee, why?"
She starts whispering, "Jordan! Can you afford what he's offering?"
I whisper back and stop runnin' through my wallet for a second, "He said a hundred dollars. That shouldn't be too bad, right?" She looked at me sarcastically and I felt embarrassed, so I looked back at my wallet and started back up with the money.
After I finally gave him exact change, he swipes it away from me and doesn't even give a "thank you". Jerk.
I found the comfy couches that Donnie and I sat in earlier and suggested, "Wanna go cuddle on that couch?"
Jennifer said, "Uh, Jordan, we are in a public place."
I smile at her and announce, "I'll protect you!" I get behind her and pull her down on the same couch as I am from her waist.
Jennifer yells as we go down together on the couch, "JORDAN, YOU DOOF! YOU DIDN'T GET WHAT I MEANT! WAIT!" We plop down together and I start nuzzling her. Jennifer rolls her top lip under and makes another sarcastic look. And people walked by, I think she might've felt a little self conscious, because she would awkwardly wave to people while my arms were wrapped around her.
I didn't care, though. I felt so comfy and safe being with Jennifer. I lifted my head up from it being her shoulder and said, "What do you think Donnie and Stephanie are doing?"
Jennifer laughed a little a said, "Probably kissing before the big day or something to help her stress. Hey, what did you and Donnie talk about?"
I rolled my eyes and said, "Stephanie. He was staring at her the whole time."
She asked, "So, why did you even bring him to Starbucks in the first place? Stephanie was really on edge. And I figured we could've all sat together, but with Donnie being here now, I had to change plans."
Seriously? Dang it. "Well, I figured that Donnie wasn't gonna do anything but stare at the wall today, so I let him...tag along..." I thought about how I've been having to keep a secret from Donnie for almost a month now about Stephanie and I felt bad. He looks like a five-year-old about to unwrap a present on Christmas. And he's been dressing preppier than usual. Today, there were barely any rips in his jeans today... It's starting to scare me, to be honest. I mean, compared to him, I look sloppier than him and I dress way cleaner than him...
I dunno if we're ever gonna be able to break it to Donnie. But it depends if she decides to go! So, maybe if we... No. She'd think something was up if we tried to be all goody two-shoes about everything.
All I gotta say is, good luck Donnie. You got a special case on your hands.

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