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We left the house around 7 since we didn't have much time to fool around until it got really dark. But before we left, Donnie already had a game plan for us. We gathered around Donnie at Jenn's small, round table in the dining area. Then he took out large blueprints and flattened them out and kept his hands on the ends so it wouldn't roll up.

"Ok," Donnie started talking like a commander in chief. "We're gonna go to that neighborhood past the Shell gas station and to the left. Our first stop will be at Mrs. Jenkins's house, and we'll continue from there."

Jennifer raised her hand, "Um, what if someone tries to get us?"

"We'll book it." Donnie stated, "We'll sprint. And if they try to hurt us, we'll just beat the living crap out of them. Now break!"

We all got into Donnie's car with our four pillow cases and went to the hood. On the way, there must've been some drivers' drinking, 'cause we've had to swerve the road a few times before we got the Jenkins'.

I don't get why Donnie decided to start at Mrs. Jenkins's house, but she didn't give us squat. She just gave us the cheesy candy: a Tootsie Roll and a Dum-Dum lollipop. I don't get why he didn't decide to go to the rich peeps' neighborhood that was literally right next to the neighborhood that were in right now. I just don't get Donnie in general.

And none of the next few houses' candy changed majorly either. It was all the same. Eventually, we just started getting tired from all of the walking.

"Uh, Donnie," Stephanie said out of breath from trying to walk up the hill to the next house, "maybe we should just head back to the car..."

"No, no. Trust me. Up this hill is going to be a gold mine of houses loaded with all sorts of candy." Donnie tried to assure us. He was even more out of breath than Stephanie was.

We finally got to the top, and he was right. There was a lot of houses! Now we just hope for the best for the candy. Donnie was so exhausted that he actually started to trip and roll down the hill! Then Stephanie ran down to check on them, so I tried to move Jenn and I away from them so they could have a moment. Except, I kept movin' her so much, that I bumped into her and a bunch of her candy fell out.

"Dang it! I'm sorry, Jenn..." And I reach down to get the same candy as she was and we touched hands like we did back in the day. We stopped once we saw our hands touch and we looked at each other. And then we kissed. It felt like it'd been a decade since we last kissed. I don't know why but every time we kiss, I lose track of time and what's around me. I wanted to keep kissing her but I knew they were gonna come back eventually and I could hear them coming, too. So, I slowly eased off and we just smiled at each other while holding hands. Donnie and Steph seemed pretty happy, too.

We hit a few more houses after that. But as soon we hit the last one, I got an eerie feeling. That last one had boarded up windows and had fog surrounding the yard. I don't know why out of all of the houses this one had fog, but I knew it was messed up.

I worry, "Guys, I dunno about this..."

Donnie walks up to me and waves it off, "Oh, relax, Jordan! Step aside..." He pushes past me and stomps up the extra-creaky steps to the front door. He makes his hands into fists and puts them on his hips. Then, he knocks the door and and waits about five minutes while the rest of tremble at the bottom of the porch.

We all start to hear yelling come out from the side of the house: Guys wearing skeleton costumes with chainsaws while yelling come toward us to scare us off.

"Donnie! You idiot! C'mon, Stephanie!" Jennifer screams while she runs off with her bag of candy.

"I believe in you, Donnie!" Stephanie calls to Donnie while Jenn grabs her arm.

Now it was just me and Donnie. Oh man! I hate it when I have to put my "manliness" to the test. Everyone thinks I'm a wimp. No. Not tonight.

I want to say something to them. I wanna stop them. But my body rejects words to come out to the point I have to thrust them out. "Hey! No one messes with our girls!" It was like we were a tag team. 'Cause as soon as I finished announcing, Donnie comes in punching guys in the face left and right! My strategy is to kick them in the shin and run off (I learned that move from Jenn!).

I let Donnie do the rest because after attempting to hurt them, I just wanted to catch up with with the girls before it got too dark while he wraps it up.

We ran all the way back to the car (even up the hill!) and rushed home to safety. I was done for the night! I better not dream of skeletons...

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