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I've been a wreck ever since Jennifer and I have been waiting for the results. I've been having anxiety attacks from replaying the accident and the shards of glass being stabbed into our friends. It's gotten to the point where I need Jennifer to be with me all the time. I know we gotta wait 'till we're married, but I sleep in the same bed as Jennifer's. Well, sort of.

I sleep out of the covers while she sleeps in them since I usually feel hot when I go to sleep now. I've also been having major nightmares about watching them die right in front of me and going to their funeral in the rain. It made me so tense, that I'd shake the bed and scream in my sleep to the point Jenn had to wake me. I felt like a baby, and I'd hate to disrupt her beauty sleep. And that morning, I'd feel tears and sweat all over the side of the bed that I was sleeping on. Every time I'd think about them, especially at dinner time for some reason, I'd zone out and start thinking about it all over again and wouldn't want to eat for the rest of the night.

That did it for Jennifer. She went ahead and brought me back to the hospital to see if they were ready for us to face the ugly truth. At least, I think it's ugly.

We arrive there and rush over to their bedroom, and we find them lying next to each other holding hands! The doctors couldn't have moved them like that. There were two separate beds, and they were both laying in one of them. Stephanie must've moved over there 'cause she's not under the covers like Donnie is. So, does this mean they're just napping?

I was tempted to try it out. I already seemed nuts to Jennifer right now, "Guys? Hey guys!" I cried.

"Jordan, what are you doing?" Jennifer probably thinks I need to go to a shrink at this point.

I ignored her, "Guys, wake up!"

"What?" Donnie said.

"Huh?" Says Stephanie.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" I cheered!

"Uh, yeah. Duh. We've just been napping at this point. We were in the coma earlier, but now we're just resting from the surgery." Donnie clarified.

I was overwhelmed with happiness and I started crying- tears of joy! I rushed over to Donnie and Stephanie and squeeze them real tight!

"Ooh! Ow!" They said in unison.

"Oops. Sorry!" I let go of them, "I'm just really happy you guys are alive!"

"No kidding," Says Jenn from behind, "Like, Jordan was really paranoid. I felt so bad for the little guy..."

"So, when do you guys get outta here?" I asked Donnie while I put my arm around Jennifer.

"Well, we're gonna stay here one more night so the doctors know that we're definitely ready to get back on our feet. Other than that, we'll see you guys on the outside real soon." Donnie said as he stroked Stephanie's head.

"Ok! That sounds good." I said satisfied.

Later that night, Jenn and I went to Pizza Plus to celebrate their awakening. I suggested we got a booth in the back. The dark, back corner. We didn't do anything bad, but I figured we could sneak a kiss or something over there.

I ordered for us; Jenn got a medium cheese pizza and I got a large pizza with peppers, pepperoni, and extra spicy cheese. I don't know what I was thinking. I figured I could take on spice at this point since the last time I had a melt down with spice was when I was sixteen. I mean, I ate the whole pizza no problem. Fifthteen minutes later, I'm running over tables and chairs to get to the men's room. I'm gagging, and hacking puffs of pepper smoke, and puking like nobody's business. Not to mention, hiccuping chunks of pizza to the point I thought I was choking on bits of it.

"Jordan!" I could hear Jennifer outside the door while I was gagging. I instantly feel embarrassed for her 'cause I probably ruined our "mini date"... "Are you ok!?"

I gag in between my reply, "No..."

"I'm gonna go get you some water!" She called.

I gag back, "Thanks..."

Not even a minute later, she busts into the men's room (Good thing there was no one else in there.) and gives me a cup of water that I sip little by little. Then I hug her to thank her in return.

After my intestinal war calms down, I realize that my breath is awful and I can't think about it too hard or I'll start puking all over again. So I ask, "Hey, do you have a breath mint?"

"No, but you're fine. Let's just get out of here." We go up to pay the waiter and get outta that joint. I was actually relieved to get back to Jenn's apartment, the smell of pizza was starting to make me feel a little nauseous.

We get back to the hallway of all of our apartments and I actually have to wait for her to unlock the door (That's a first.). All she left on was one dim lamp and the radio was on low. I think "Pump Up the Jam" by Tecehnotronic was playing. Her apartment is so comforting. Basically, I'll be having a stressed day and want to talk to Jennifer about it, and when I walk into her place all of my anxiety goes away. And talking to her just makes it even better.

That night, we just watched Saved by the Bell on the couch until we started nodding off. I figured I could actually go to sleep in my own bed, so I wanted to try it out. I felt a little disappointed leaving, but I knew I would wake up tomorrow finally seeing everyone together. Not in a hospital.

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