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It was the worst thing I've ever witnessed in my life. My best friend and his girlfriend were just laying there motionless with pieces of glass sticking out of them, blood dripping all over the place. They looked so peaceful but in pain at the same time. I didn't notice until I saw Jennifer loudly crying and her face was super red. And that's when I saw them. There was a shard sticking out of Donnie's cheek, and the blood dripping down to his shoulder. And Steph had one in the middle of her chest, real close to her heart. I hope it didn't go in too far...

Jennifer and I quickly got out of the car and raced over to Donnie and Stephanie. My first instinct was to go to Donnie, while she went to Steph. I knelt down. I could see the pain he was feeling even though his eyes were shut tight. I wanted to grip his hand like we do when we arm wrestle and tell him everything was ok, but I just couldn't. Then I noticed the blood on his cheek again with the shard sticking out. For some reason, I wanted to see if he still felt warm.

I slowly moved my hand toward his face. My hand kept shaking the closer I got to his face. His cheek felt warm and then it almost felt cold. What!? No. No! Don't go! Please don't go!

Adrenaline goes through me even more now. I talk him by the shoulders and shake him a little, "Donnie! Please! Don't die! I'm not ready yet!" Tears start trickling down my face and my eyes feel all stingy. "Please..." I whispered.

Red flashing lights start flaring from the corner of my eyes. I turn my head from Donnie and see an ambulance and police car pull up. I guess Jenn called 911. Are they going to bring me to jail!? I really didn't mean it! Why does everything bad have to happen all at once!?

I saw two guys come out of the ambulance with a stretcher and wheel it towards my busted up car. They started carrying Stephanie and Donnie onto the stretcher and I watched Jennifer cup her hands over her mouth while bawling.

I went over to her a hugged her tight and she tightly hugged me back. We just stood there in the rain trying hard to comfort each other while watching our friends become hidden behind the ambulance. We watched them ride off to the hospital, while the police took us there in their car so the doctors could check us out.

I didn't realize until now that I felt a throbbing on my wrist and I look down to see it's covered in blood. I guess when we went across the highway I accidentally slammed my hand on the stick shift too hard. I felt my eyes get big when I saw all the blood I lost. Jenn said that the back of her neck was killing her. I guess she got whiplash too, but not as severe as Don and Steph.

Dear Lord, please let everyone be alright! I never wanted this to happen! All things happen for a reason... right?

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