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Ugh! Jennifer got me together with Stupid-Wittle-Donnie-Dopey. Tonight's get together: A Dance. Are you even, like, kidding me? With that doofus around, it's gonna be just plain embarrassing. I wish I never ran into that little numbskull.

The place isn't exactly like a nightclub. It's part restaurant, part dance floor, but you have to dress just a smidge more formal there. (I bet his version of looking nice is wearing jeans that aren't severely ripped!)

Since Jennifer didn't make him pick me up at my place, thank God, she has a table reserved for "Don-Steph" and we'll just meet at the table.

The restaurant is called "La Danse", which is French for "The Dance". There was really romantic mood lighting for this restaurant, and it seemed like a lot of married or already-dating couples dined here. There were already people slow dancing, too. I went ahead and told them my cheesy table name and one of the waitresses seated me.

It's now been a little over a half hour and Donnie still wasn't here yet. Where the heck is he? Maybe he just didn't show up because he thought it was an idiotic idea... Just like him... I laughed at that, but only in my head.

I adjusted my little black dress. Then I took out a compact mirror from my small, turquoise bag and made sure my messy bun was in place. I looked at my watch: 6:41 P.M. Ugh! That's it. I'm going back to my apartment.

I start walking outside (it was pretty chilly for a Boston evening), and started walking to my car. I noticed that only two beefy guys were sitting outside and smoking. As I get close to my car, those two beefy guys grab me by the arms and drag me to the back of the restaurant.

I start screaming for dear life and kicking as hard as I can, squirming to get out of their grasp, "DONNIE!!! HELP ME!!! SOMEONE!!!"

"Hey, shut your mouth, or else my gun will do the talkin' for ya." One of the beefy dudes said. They looked almost identical, like the ones in movies. Exactly like them, with the biker jackets and all.

One guy was tying me up in a chair with this uncomfortable rope, (the kind that burns your hands if you try to slide down one with bare hands) while the other was digging through my bag for money. Then, one of them started carrying me by the chair legs and the other held me at gun point a little too close to my head. I started shaking all over out of nervousness. They were about to put in me in a black van. Out of all the people, why me? Why was I lucky caller number seven?

This is it. I thought, This is how I'm gonna die, and I never apologized to- "You-hoo!" Donnie? "Come and get me you big, fat retards!" I could recognize that Boston accent anywhere. And it came out pretty thick that time, too!

"Who said that?" One of the guys called. They put me down in front of the van while I just sat tied up in a chair.

Outta nowhere, Donnie comes down swinging from the same type of rope I was tied up in and kicked the guy who was holding the gun in the face! I never thought I'd be so happy to see Donnie in my entire life!

He swings back down from another ledge of the restaurant's roof, dodges all the gun shots from that guy who also happened to have a gun, and kicked him in the face even harder, then gracefully landed on another ledge of the restaurant's roof! Both of the dudes were completely knocked out. I swear, it's like something that you'd see from a movie.

Finally, he swoops down, grabs me on the way, and brings me to the roof top of the restaurant. He starts untying me in the back. I just noticed he was wearing a tux with a pink-ish-purple bowtie. Donnie dressed up...for me.

After he unties me, I turned around where we were both kneeling on the rooftop of the restaurant gazing at each others eyes. I quickly looked down noticing how close we were and then looked back at him. I could tell we were both blushing.

The Relationship Status: The Big Day (2)Where stories live. Discover now