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Ok, so Donnie got sent out to get groceries for the Thanksgiving meal while we get up just about as early as he did to get ready. Well, all he really had to get was ingredients for the Thanksgiving pie that everyone usually eats.

Jennifer got some place cards with everyone's name on them and put them on the dining room table. Stephanie went into Donnie's room and straightened up his room. I managed to find my camera and got it out. His mom didn't want to make him get everything that we needed since we already brought a few things to cook with.

Jennifer went ahead and made one of her specialties: Yams. It took her a little longer to get out the actual ingredients and tools to make them than to actually create the yams. But I took out my camera to start out the real Thanksgiving process.

"This is Day 2 of operation "DDub Day" and Jennifer is working on the yams." I walk around with camera pointed on me but you can see Jenn in the background. I started showing the camera the ingredients and then I told her to let me know how they tasted when they were ready. So in the meantime, I just talked while the yams baked the oven.

I was pretty sure they were done, because I accidentally slipped out in front of the camera, "Uh, Jenn, I think I smell something burning-Uh, I mean, the yams are ready!" I started to panic a little... "Donnie, trust me, the yams are cooked to perfection!"

I got her in the corner of the camera while the rest was on me. But then she screamed, "THE YAMS ARE ON FIRE!" The smoke alarm goes off and Stephanie comes into the background with a fire extinguisher.

"You know what?" I try to sensor out her "announcement" and attempt to play it cool, "Everything's going really smooth, and uh, good! Actually, you should be jealous!" Crap, my voice cracked on that last part. I didn't think that would still happen, but it happens once in a while when I'm nervous. "Honestly, it's so peaceful in this kitchen that I could just take a nap..." It's almost getting a little harder to smile because I see how chaotic it's getting in the background and so the only thing I'm depending on if the yams at least taste decent...

And then Jenn took one taste and...

"EWWWWWWW!" I basically cut off the camera while she was in the middle of screaming. She goes over to the sink and tries to wash out her mouth, but there was a spoon in the sink and water went everywhere but her mouth.

And then she yelped, "STEPHANIE! GET ME A FLIPPIN' CUP OF WATER TO CLEAN MY PALATE BEFORE I RIP SOMEBODY'S HAIR OUT!" I gulped. I don't think I'm ready to go bald, yet. Maybe when I'm like eighty-two or somethin' like that.

"What the heck is goin' on in here!?" Uh-oh. Time's up. Donnie's home. At least he walked in when Stephanie finally got the fire out. He stood there laughing and surprised at the same time with grocery bags that he just put on the floor.

"Donnie!?" Stephanie squealed and she dropped the extinguisher and jumped on him and gave him a hug.

"I didn't think I'd get to see you guys this soon!" Donnie laughed. Then Jenn and I joined the group hug. After we concluded our "welcome back hug," but Donnie noticed that there was a flame on Jenn's shoulder that I guess, traveled from the yams. "Hey, I think there's a flame on you shirt. I'll be right back..."

He comes back with a tin bucket of water that he slam dunks on top of her head, where the water goes everywhere except her shoulder. I grab her to lead her to the sink, so I can just help her put out the flame myself. But then Stephanie and Donnie fist-pump the air while chanting, "Stop, drop, and roll!" So, Jennifer just got furious. This basically led to her running to the basement to change her shirt.

I went to go check on her (she changed her shirt by then) and she just looked at me angry, "My bra got burned, too!"

"Well, I'll just get you a new one! Don't worry about it!" I try to compromise.

"NO! That was my favorite bra!" She stomps back upstairs while I just stand there wincing because I felt so confused. I wanted to help her, but she just doesn't wanna work with me when she's upset like this.

When I come back upstairs, I see Jenn walk past Donnie, he goes, "Someone's on their period..!" And we high-five each other as I walk by him to put my video camera into Donnie's room with a note so he can watch the tape later tonight.

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