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Donnie is such a jerk! Like, honestly! I knew it jocks were always dumbos, on or off campus. I know Stephanie probably hates me for making her sit next to her ex, but before we went to Chau Chow, I went to Walmart to get a couple of things (like donuts just in case it doesn't work out with Donnie and Steph 'cause donuts seem to almost always make her feel better) and I actually ran into Jordan.

He was getting some popcorn 'cause I guess they were gonna watch a movie after our dinner. I felt as nervous as a teenie-bopper that sees their crush at school. He started approaching me now and my heart started beating. Crap. I don't want to have feelings for him! He didn't want to be with me, so I shouldn't want to be with him... right? I feel stupid. But he just kept walking toward me with a smile on his face. I hope that's a good thing.

"Hey Jennifer!" He chirped, "Fancy meeting you here." Wait, was he being sarcastic? Was he trying to stalk me? Ok, I seriously need to stop.

I try to flirt back, "Right. Hey, Jordan. I have an idea, if you're up to it. But I'm gonna need your help."

His face went from happy to serious as soon as those words came out of my mouth, "Um, ok. What is it?"

"So, we're all going to Chau Chow at five-thirty, and I want Donnie and Stephanie to sit together."

"What? Why? Donnie wouldn't be too happy with that. He's been real rough with everything ever since."

"Well, I want to get them back together. I bet deep down, they probably miss each other's company, and Stephanie was so happy when she was with him. And... Do you happen to really know all the details that happened to them? Stephanie never really wanted to tell me, so it must've been that bad. We tell each other just about everything, but this was probably the first time she's held back. Do you know anything, Jordan?"

He looked around the store (Was Donnie here, too?), and then we walked over to the newspaper stands, took a newspaper each, sat on a bench next to one of the stands, and we both unfolded our newspapers entirely so people couldn't see us or what we were talking about. Geez, I didn't think it was that bad, but ok!

"So," He starts to slightly whisper behind the newsprint, "around homecoming, Donnie and Stephanie were very happy when they were together. We obviously saw it. I mean, Donnie would come over to my place and all he'd yap about was Steph. But then one day, Donnie starting hanging with these other girls and Steph got jealous. So she decided she would act all flirty with another guy to get back at him, but it ended up going down a different path. And when Donnie get's mad, he get's mad. So, I guess they noticed and they started to slowly drift away even though they were still together. I started noticing he wasn't leaving his apartment as much to go and see her. But for some reason, he couldn't control himself and wait to break up with Steph, and he cheated on her with Amanda Spradling. So, Steph got mad, too. And she took her anger the wrong way by cheating on him back with his brother Mark. So later one night, Stephanie pulled up to her apartment and Donnie was in the parking lot since apparently he wanted to "talk" to her. That's when the loud fight broke out. It was pretty brutal. He didn't tell me what either of them said, but he did tell me that at one time she used to own a diary when they were together. Maybe that might tell us some more. Do you think you know where it is? Well the real question is, would she care if we read it?"

"Well, I think I have a good idea on where it could be. And I don't think she'd care at this point. But to be on the safe side, we should probably do it when she's not around." I kinda liked the idea of going undercover with Jordan.

So, Stephanie must've been in the lobby's bathroom or something when we got into her apartment, 'cause she wasn't there. We checked under the bed, behind the pillow, and in the cabinets of the bathroom. Then I tried the very top shelf of the closet; Bingo!

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