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We've been so excited about everyone's engagements that Jordan and I haven't gotten the chance to celebrate! A few days after our announcement, Jordan treated us out to dinner at a high class restaurant. So, Jordan was the first one to start our conversation while we waited for our food to come:
"So, how many kids do you wanna have?"
I choke on the lemon water I was drinking, "Kids?"
Jordan replies happily, "Yeah! You know, offspring. Small human beings. Call it what you want."
I look at him concerned, "Jordan, this is a very serious topic! When will you be ready to have kids?"
He takes my hand, looks at me sincerely, and says, "Whenever you are."
"Well, how many kids do you want?" I let go of his hand at take another sip of water.
"Maybe four."
This time I spit out part of my drink, "Four!?"
Jordan makes a satisfied smile, "Yes! I like babies."
"I do, too but four is a lot to handle! How about two? A girl and a boy."
"Ok! Just as long as I have these babies with you."
I look at him bluntly, "Well, duh, I'm your soon-to-be wife!" And he zones out and gnaws on a breadstick. I give up...
After our dinner he brought me to a roller rink. I wasn't sure why a roller rink, but it suits Jordan's personality. I just went with it.
We rented out our skates and started lacing them up. As we sat there, I was having trouble with the laces on my skates. Jordan noticed. He looked at me for a second or two, got down on his hands and knees, and helped me out with the laces while I sat on the bench and watched him work his way around the skate.
I know this is might sound weird, but he's really skilled with skates. I was amazed at how fast he was with masculine hands. I dunno. It's probably just me, but at that moment I knew I made the right decision to marry him. He cared about me and helped without even having to ask. He just knew.
We finally get toward the rink and onto the floor and I instantly felt nervous. I haven't skated it years. It was already hard for me to move on the carpet floor, let alone on the actual rink. I think Jordan could tell I was nervous.
He stepped onto the rink, turned himself backwards, and held out his hand, "I got you." And I took his hand and we drifted across the rink so smoothly like we've always been there. He let me go for a minute to spin around or do a cool trick once in a while to show off in front of me, while I giggled in reply.
Then, a slow, romantic song came on and every couple in the building got with their significant other and slow-skated.
Jordan looked me in the eyes and asked, "Ready?" I wasn't sure what was about to happen. I was kind of scared, actually. But I said yes, anyway.
He took both of my hands and he pulled us closer together and back out repeatedly and then he twirled me and dipped me back. And the slowly brought me up.
We were centimeters away from our heads to be together. And then he said it, in the most serious, but romantic tone of voice ever:
"I love you, Jennifer Beasley." And he kissed me real good. And it lasted for what felt like forever. I didn't care if people were staring at us. I knew that it was his best kiss yet. His lips felt like a cloud. But when he slowly let go, I felt a little disappointed that we stopped. But he still looked deep into my eyes and it felt like he was mentally kissing me. But when the song faded to an end, I looked around the room and realized that we were still in the roller rink.
He practically floated me home after that. I felt so in love that I didn't care where we were going. I just wanted to snuggle somewhere with Jordan and kiss him all over again just to replay our night.
And it was like Jordan read my mind, because that's exactly what we did!

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