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Later that night, Donnie and I were relaxing on my apartment couch watching Seinfeld. He laid on my chest and I stroked his soft hair. I was hoping Jennifer and Jordan were ok from the other night because I heard some yelling, and I knew how she felt from older memories. I didn't even see Jennifer come out of her apartment yesterday. No calling. Nothing. I was starting to get really worried about her, and Donnie could tell.
When the next commercial came on, Donnie asked, "Are you ok?"
I winced and replied with, "I'm fine." That was probably the stupidest thing I'd ever said in my whole life. Donnie's heard me say that before. And at this point in time, he knew better.
He got up from laying on me, looked me deep in the eyes, hugged me tight, and said, "I know you're not. Tell me what's going on."
I started with, "Well-" I was gonna tell him about how bad I felt for Jennifer until her and Jordan busted through the door. She waved her hand around and dangled it in front our face to show off her engagement ring.
Finally, she said, "Guess who's getting married!?" Donnie and I jump up and we all hug each other out of congratulation.
We talked for hours about how we should plan the wedding and everything and we decided that we should all get married together! It'll be cool! We'll have two separate alters so we could each have a priest to talk to us but we could also be semi-private with our significant other. Now, we just gotta pick out our dresses!
When the Jordan and Jenn eventually left my place, that left me and Donnie.
He took me by the hands and said, "Now, what was it you were gonna tell me?" He remembered that I was in distress. He still cared about my problem. To be honest, he remembered better than I did! He was always wanted to help me out whenever I was upset, even when we were younger.
I smiled at him, shook my head, and said, "Never mind. I feel much better." And I kissed him goodnight so he could head back to his own apartment.

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