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We're back home in Boston! I was starting to miss my old bed! But before we went home, I might've done something at the beach before we went home...

Yesterday I told Jenn to meet me at the beach one last time, around sunset (This was the day after our Throwback Night so everyone was pretty ok by now.). And then I guess she rushed down before I knew it, because I went out to the balcony to bring in the beach towels that was hanging on the balcony since it was finished dryin', and I saw a silhouette of Jenn in a gorgeous sundress, flowing in the wind with her hair going along with it in a messed up ponytail. I admired her for what felt like forever and then I realized I had to hurry up and go to her!

I ran over to the elevator and through the gate to the beach. I ran as fast as I could but making sure that nothing would fall out of my back pocket.

"Jennifer!" I called, and her head turned to me trying to catch up to her.

"Hey, Jordan!" She called back, "What's this all about?"

"Jennifer," I get kinda close to her face, "I want you to know that nothing in this world could tear me apart from you, and I hope you feel the same way..." I take out a small box from my back pocket and I open it for her.

"Jordan..?" Her voice quivers like she's about to cry, "Is this what I think it is?"

I nod, "A Promise ring. Because I promise that I will never leave you or hurt you." I put the ring on her and she just looks at it with a smile and notices that I have the matching one on. And then she takes my head with her hands and we kiss with the wind blowing on the back of our heads and the sun setting with all sorts of colors in the sky. It couldn't have been more perfect.

And now, I'm with my amazing girlfriend as we speak relaxing on the comfy couch watching Saved by the Bell, as usual.

And now Stephanie and Donnie invade my apartment with news... What could it be now?

Stephanie chirps, "So, since it's almost like, Halloween, Donnie saw in the paper that there's a haunted house that we can visit tomorrow!" Oh no. No, no, no. I hate haunted houses. Despise them. This will probably ruin the rest of my evening!

Jenn beams, "Omigosh! A haunted house?! Ooh! I could hold onto Jordan for protection!" Did I mention I love haunted houses?

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