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This is gonna be dope, yo! A haunted house! I'm never scared of these joints! Man, the last time I went to one of those was when I was in 8th grade and I wasn't even scared then! This is gonna be a breeze! I can protect Stephanie when she jumps! It's gonna be sweet!

We pull up to the place and it looks so dark and depressing and eerie, (Awesome!) and I already see Jordan shaking in his windbreaker. Oh brother (Jordan was always scared of haunted houses. It's like his kryptonite.).

We got to the entrance where you pay for admission. I went ahead and payed for everyone since it's only a dollar per person. Then the girls went to go get Jennifer's jacket since she left it in the car, so I had a talk with Jordan.

"Ok, so you're gonna tell me that you can stand up of for Jennifer and give her a Promise ring on the side, but you can't protect her in a "haunted" house? Get real, Jordan. You're a grown man. You're supposed to help the people that are scared, not be the person who is scared. And by people, I mean your girlfriend."

"Well, it has been a while. I'm sure I'm fine by this point..." He tries.

I pat him on the back, "'Atta boy!"

I highly doubt he's going to make it out the same way he came in...

The girls came back and I said, "So, ya ready to go?"

Jordan's eyes got wide and he almost looked confident. Then he puffed out his chest and says, "Alright! Let's do this!"


He came out with a white face a shaky knees.

I sarcastically smiled and put my arm around him (I think he flinched when I did that...), "So Jordan, what did you think?"

His eyes widened again and said, "Oh! Uh, it was fine. You know, it wasn't too bad. Actually it was kinda fun! I helped Jennifer when she jumped at the clown with the chainsaw!"

Stephanie replied, "Um, Jordan, Jennifer was the one protecting you from the weird clown. Get your facts right, man." Jennifer tried to hide a giggle when she looked at Stephanie and then pulled herself together.

"Uh, Steph, I'm pretty sure I felt his arms around me... when he, uh, saved me from the clown!" Jennifer tries to make him look good. I can tell. She can usually put her thoughts together into a sentence without choking. She's lying.

I just go with it, "Right. Well, I know I protected Stephanie from the clown."

"Yeah." She giggled, "Those places give me the jitters."

I look at the sky changing colors from the sunset, "Shoot! Lemme get the car before it gets too dark!" and I rushed down to the parking area in the gravel to get in the car. Once we got everyone, we zoomed on home before anything else felt like popping up to make Jordan pee his pants.

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