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We're all packed up and ready to go! We're gonna be there for about a week, so I packed lightly. It'll be nice to get out of the cold weather, for once. And just to get into the festivities, I wore a red, floral shirt.

I started wheeling my suitcase over to Steph's apartment and knocked on her door.

She opens it immediately and I see her in blue floral dress. She looked gorgeous, as usual.

"You look amazing!" I say.

"Thank you!" She replies cheerfully and grabbed my hand. "Let's go check on Jenn and Jordan and see if they're ready yet."

She knocked on Jennifer's door while I knocked on Jordan's.

"Jennifer? You in there?" She went ahead and opened her door. I looked in with her. She wasn't in there. So, that must mean they're in Jordan's. His door was actually unlocked.

They were kissing on the couch with clothes kinda like ours on them. Steph and I looked at each other and looked at them.

"I'll be right back." I whispered. I went into Jenn's apartment and grabbed some throw pillows. Feathered throw pillows. And I handed one over to Steph.

We crept up to them, and started whacking them with pillows! Feathers were flying everywhere! It was great! I think I accidentally hit Jennifer on the lip with the pillow 'cause later she had to get an ice pack.

She just sat on the couch with Jordan, glaring at me, while applying a package of peas to her lip.

"You feeling better, Jenn?" Jordan asked, all concerned. He was fixing his poofy hair since Steph squashed it with her pillow.

"Yeah, I guess. Because you make it all better Jordan." She snuggled up against him. I think that might be the reason I feel nauseous.

"Guys! It's twelve o'clock! Our flight's at twelve-thirty! C'mon! We have to get to the airport on time!" Steph announced. We all raced down the stairs and Jordan drove. Jennifer sat in the passenger's seat and Steph and I sat in the back.

We eventually got to the high way. Jordan turned up the jams on the radio. "Groove is in the Heart" came on and we all started punching the ceiling of the car.

After that, a commercial came on and Jordan turned down the radio.

"This is gonna be so much fun guys! Like, another adventure!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Stephanie agreed. "It'll be nice to hang with you guys at the beach! Plus, I'm really looking forward to playing volleyball and frisbee!"

We kept discussing what we wanted to do when we got there. And then, I said something that just spread like a wild fire.

"You know, this will be fun Steph. I don't have to hang our your poor-excuse-of-best-friend the whole time." I said all nasty-like. I don't why I would say that. Jennifer is nice, she really is. And I don't really think that she's a poor-excuse-of-a-best-friend. But it came out... Ever since Steph and I broke up, I'd always get into random moods where stuff would slip out stupidly. I just wish they'd think understand that, or at least think I was teasing. It wasn't even one my best comebacks, anyway...

And that's how it all started. "Donnie! What the heck is wrong with your attitude!" Stephanie made me feel even worse. I felt like a dog sitting out in the rain as punishment. "Shame on you! What's gotten into you? You're usually better than that."

"That's because he's a poor-excuse-of-a-boyfriend!" Jennifer shot back. All I could do was be quiet.

"Hey! No he's not! That's like calling my best friend a poor-excuse-" Jordan was never really good at comebacks.

They all started fighting-because of me. And I just sat in the back watching it all. Jordan and Jennifer looked through the rear view mirror yelling at me and Steph just looked disappointed in me, like how my mom did when she used to see my report card. Why do our group arguments always start with me saying the wrong thing?

I wish I could hear everyone clearly so I could explain everything to each of them. Then while they're yelling, it starts getting even louder when it starts to pour down rain with thunder and everything.

I couldn't handle it anymore. It was getting ridiculous at this point.

"STOP!" I yelled as loud as I could.

It was quiet after that. I was gonna start explaining, but a 16-wheeler rammed into us from behind. Jordan wasn't paying attention 'cause he was looking at me from the rear view mirror, and the car (and us) started spinning in circles across the highway (we were all screaming for our lives). Then, another car T-boned the side of the rear so hard that the car turned on its back. And it's all my fault.

Once we came to an upside down stand still, all I could hear was groaning. And all of the windows shattered. Glass shards were everywhere. One shard stabbed me in the leg, and I think one hit Stephanie too, but I don't know where.

"Is everyone ok?" Jordan cried.

"Yeah." Jennifer moaned.

Stephanie didn't reply. I didn't either. I couldn't. I was still alive, but I just couldn't say anything. It was like I was too exhausted to speak. And my eyes felt heavy. I had to squint real hard just to see what was going on. But what about Stephanie? Oh Lord, please don't tell me I killed my girlfriend! Please!

Jordan goes, "Stephanie? Donnie? Are you ok?" He looked at Jennifer who was scream-crying while looking at Steph and I. Then he looked at us. I saw tears well up in his eyes and his lip quivering.

Was Stephanie really dead? No. No, no, no, no, no! No! This can't be happening right now! I love her and everyone else in that car so much! I don't want to see them hurt or dead! And before I can see or hear anything else, my eyes automatically start closing. And it's almost like I've gone deaf. My hearing was muffled and then completely gone. What the heck is happening to me!? It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't figure it out!

The last thing I hear as my eyes close like garage doors and my hearing comes to a blur, is Jennifer scream-crying and Jordan going, "C'mon guys! Please... be ok..."

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