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Tonight, Jordan and I decorated for Christmas! We both kept stopping what we were doing, and we danced to the music we had on in the background! We played everything from George Michael, to Bananarama! When we ended up getting that done, Donnie came over. Stephanie called and said she was at an interview for a job offer, so Donnie was alone and he wanted to hang out with someone. Of course, Jordan was his second option after Stephanie.
Right when Jordan was about to kiss me to the song "Careless Whisper", Donnie comes through the door with a bowl of leftover mashed potatoes. There's Donnie for ya! He ends up just slamming himself onto the couch holding the bowl and a spoon. He takes off the plastic wrap covering the bowl, and he sucks down the potatoes like there's no tomorrow! He didn't even say "hi" when he came in! He must be in his own little Thanksgiving trance! I mean, he ate like, two full plates at his mom's house. Anyways, the guys are sitting on the couch. Jordan tried to get some mashed potatoes, but when he tried to dip his finger for a glob of some of the potatoes, Donnie karate chopped his arm. Which resulted with Jordan having a bag of frozen lima beans on his arm for a straight hour.
Then he started getting tired. Not just tired, cranky. Time to take cover! All of us know how Jordan gets when he's sleepy, but cranky. He whines, and he just doesn't care anymore about what he does. First, he grabbed me while I was putting up some garland on the the wall, and he snuggled me so hard. Then, he took off his shirt, and he threw it on Donnie. After that, he unzipped his jeans, because he said they were "too tight." He got himself a glass of milk and staggered into the bedroom. Donnie just sat there on the couch rolling his eyes, so he left. I decided to go into the bedroom to see what was going on with Jordan, but he told me not to come in there because he was naked. Why? I don't know.
"I feel gross, so I'm gonna change into a clean pair of boxers!" He called from the other side of the door.
I just said "okay" and then I sighed a sigh of relief. He's also very picky when he's like this. Like, all of the sudden, he started getting hungry. He asked for cheese, a kiwi, (He doesn't even like kiwi. We've never bought one before!) another glass of milk, and a Reese's cup. I brought all of those items to him, except for the kiwi, because that was just a weird craving of his. While I was pouring him another glass of milk, he started singing "The Humpty Dance" in a falsetto voice, while actually doing the dance in the middle of the bedroom with his plaid boxers on. His poof was flopping up and down like crazy, and he was also giggling.
Oh no! He just rammed himself into the kitchen table, when he slid in his socks across the floor. Also, he's just laying face first onto the wood floor. It was random, but he does act crazy when he's super tired! Nows my cue to get him another sack of Lima beans..!

Now the hot chocolate is in high demand, and Jordan is really cuddly sweaters! We talked about our Christmas from the year, 1986! The year Jordan got me a charm bracelet that spelled out Jennifer. It was so cute! I bought him a picture frame with a picture of us together at the school prom (This was before the big breakup.)!
We are about to go shopping, but we have to pick up Donnie and Stephanie. OH! I forgot to mention! Donnie has been acting super weird! If we ever bring up the second Friday of January, he freezes up, and he just has a stupid smile on his face. Ugh. Why are men so complicated? They have so many problems! With Donnie, it's girls. With Jordan, it's giving up Reese's cups and tummy aches... And, when his poof isn't working with him, he gets really whiny and upset. Anyways, we are heading out the door, to Donnie's apartment (Stephanie hung out at his apartment for the day.). When we walked in, Donnie and Stephanie were seriously kissing under the kissing under the mistletoe. So right when we opened the door, we just saw them kissing for like, five minutes. Jordan pulled them apart, and now we are all sprinting down the hallway, 'cause we called a cab, which will arrive at 10:30. It's 10:29. It better not be late.
We are at the mall! We all went our separate directions! Even though, when Stephanie and I were about to go down one way of the mall, Jordan started whining. He didn't want me to leave, 'cause he wanted us to feel the Christmas spirit together! Donnie slapped him though, and he got over it. Now, to find Jordan the best Christmas present ever!

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