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While Jennifer and Stephanie talked about their New Year's resolutions, Jordan lugged me all the way back to Target. Like, c'mon, man! I was just there to get my babe a ring!
"Jordan, what are we doing here, again?" I say as soon as we enter the building.
"Well, isn't it obvious!?" He squeaked. Then, he gritted his teeth and talked a little lower, like someone important was gonna hear us, "I wanna propose to Jennifer!" This should be good.
I smirk and I cross my arms, "Well, well, well. Jordan Carter, you think you're ready for a closer connection with your significant other?" He looked at me wide eyed and nodded at me, like a bobble head. Stupid question. But I figured already that he waited so long to marry her as long as I wanted to marry Stephanie: A long time.
Jordan looked at me really sincere and said, "So, will you help me pick out the perfect ring for her?"
I just look at him, "Which side of the counter should we check out first?" He raced over to the counter, and we picked out our top three and finally narrowed it down to one. The ring looked pretty awesome (but I don't think I'll ever admit to anyone that their ring is cooler than Stephanie's)! But when it came to how much it cost, Jordan didn't bring much that day, so I ended up having to help him pay (We don't need to tell Jennifer that part...).
"Alright! Thanks, Don! I owe ya one!" He had the biggest and stupidest grin on his face, but he's still Jordan. And he gave me this giant hug that was hard to break from after a good while, since I realized we were standing in a public area. Now, I just hope he'll get better sleep than I did the week of when I proposed.


"Psst! Donnie!" Jordan was shaking me by the shoulders to wake me up. My eyes start to open, and I look at the alarm clock sittin' on my nightstand: 5:34 A.M. Are you flippin' kidding me?
I look at Jordan squinty-eyed and annoyed, "What on earth do you think you're doin', wakin' me up in the middle of a Stephanie dream?" I relax my eyes closed, but I can still feel my eyebrows curved to show him I'm irritated.
Jordan quivers, "I just wanted to tell you something..."
"Well, spit it out, Jordan!" I croak, before I doze off again.
He finally mumbles back, "Ok. I just wanted to say... It's...snowing..." My eyes immediately open like I've been up and at 'em the whole time.
I jump out of bed and say, "Why didn't you just say so, you Lil' Debbie Cake!?" I hurry over to the closet and jam on snow gear on my way out the door.
Jordan starts jumping all over the place like a puppy and announces, "I'm gonna go tell Jennifer the news!"
I call back to him while he's running down the hall, "Don't bother! She's gonna probably claw your face off!" He keeps trotting down the hall, anyway. I just shake my head to myself, and I head to the elevator on the other end of the hall. I figured the girls wouldn't care as much as Jordan and I did about the snow. As the elevator door starts to close, I adjust my snow cap, and I see Jordan racing down the hall with a coat that makes him look twice his size. I couldn't help but snicker on the way down.
I nonchalantly walk out of the lobby's front door and over to the parking lot with all of my snow gear on. I start taking in some snowflakes on my tongue. Then, I watched the ground slowly cover up with white, and I get an excited feeling! Jordan eventually clomps out the door and stands next to me, actually looking bigger than me by comparison.
I start to laugh all over again, but I feel a snowball hit my already frozen cheek. I look over and now Jordan was laughing. I cover up half of my face with my scarf and I chuck a snowball back at him, aiming for the back of his neck so snow would fall down it.
I threw another one at the same area.
Crap! Now he knows what I'm going for, so he ducks down, and we give each other same look that we've given each other for years: We'll build our snow barriers to make it fair and square.
I've been playing with Jordan in the snow since we were two, so I've grown some experience on how to protect myself from him. Jordan, however, has kept his little "tradition" ever since the first time he's played: Put a small pile of snow in front of him. Yeah, that's gonna keep him safe. I'm a pro at snowball throwing. I don't know how I've gotten good at eye-hand coordination. I mean, Jordan is the one who played basketball in middle school, and I always stayed at home and played Atari. I never really tried out for any sports throughout my life... Well... except for Little League when I was, like, five...
Anyway, the snowball fight was pretty brutal. Jordan was pretty quick at making snowballs, but he always missed. I, on the other hand, creamed him, if I do say so myself... And I may or may have not hit him in his you-know-what, and laughed at him 'til I cried...
Once he recovered, we started to get kinda cold at that point, so we looked at the door for a few seconds and then I announced, "Last one to the girls' apartments is a moldy piece of soggy cheese!" And we start sprinting to the lobby's elevator! I think the girls were watching us the whole time, because I could've sworn I saw a couple of female figures watching us from up above, in the corner of my eye.
Jordan started gaining on me. Luckily, there were two elevators, and a staircase. By the time Jordan's elevator doors were closing, I'd finally gotten inside the lobby. My brain quickly processed what my options were and each of their consequences. So, I made a compromise, and frantically stomped up the stairs to the fourth floor. I figured that the stairs might be quicker, if the elevator takes a detour and picks up Mr. and Mrs. Green to go out for their morning walk, around this time. So, I might get an advantage, after all!
I finally get up to the fourth floor, after a short, breathless moment. I take a few seconds to catch my breath, and I sprint as fast as I possibly could down the hall to Jennifer's apartment (I think Stephanie said she was gonna visit her there sometime today. Which, I guess that meant five-thirty-something in the morning...).
I can see Jordan arriving from the opposite end of the hall. It looks like he might beat me this time. I take drastic measures, and I stage dive onto the ugly carpeting in front of Jennifer's front door which knocks the air outta me. Jordan slides on the floor the same time I do, and it turns out to be... A tie. A flippin' tie. Great. I'm choking on air, got carpet burn, and I ran up four flights of stairs to become a moldy piece of soggy cheese. Thanks, man.
The door flies open from the inside of her apartment (Thank, God, or we'd be smushed like roaches.), and the girls just give us half-asleep looks above us with PJ's and coffee cups in their hands. Hey, I dunno about Jordan, but I think Steph still looks like a cupcake, even if she thinks otherwise.
I smirk as I look at them, even though the ceiling light is half-blinding me as Jordan and I stay on the floor, and say, "So, uh, what's for breakfast?"

We're all settled in Jenn's apartment around eight-ish (Maybe even seven!). Jordan and I sit at her kitchen table groggy and hungry. We haven't eaten since we got up; which was probably a little over three hours ago. So, Steph made us some Lucky Charms and glasses of OJ. While Jenn made her and Steph some toast and another cup of coffee.
Jordan's expression looked like he was wandering off into space again (Probably 'cause he's so tired...). His head finally stops looking around, and he notices the TV blaring with color.
His eyes lit up like the TV and he started jumping all over the place (way too much motion, even for me, and I wasn't even moving), and he began to pull my arm, "Donnie! Donnie! Donnie! Look! Look! Look!"
I start getting irritated, "Alright, alright, Jordan! Jeez, what is it..?" I finally turn myself around in the chair I was sitting in, while Jordan's hand was still holding my arm. I rubbed my eyes to focus what I was looking at, and then I jumped up from my chair and started dancing around the room with Jordan.
We started chanting, "SESAME STREET! SESAME STREET! SESAME STREET!" Then, like a magnet, we were so memorized by the TV that we didn't even realize that we brought ourselves literally right in front of the TV, and sat criss-cross-apple-sauce.
I could feel the girls' glares of annoyance, but I tried to ignore it. I can't even remember the last time I flippin' watched Sesame Street!
Eventually, we got so into it, that Jordan and I sang the Elmo's World theme song in a two part harmony! The girls just giggled and started to tease us, but we took it very seriously.
"Aw, does wittle Donnie and wittle Jordy need some juice boxes and cwackers?" Jennifer and Steph teased. We loved the sound of that! The girls were just surprised at us. But not even fifteen minutes later, they gave us a tray of assorted cheese on top of saltine crackers and two fruit punch-flavored juice boxes. It feels good to be back with my best bud like we're eight years old, again.

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