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Man, Donnie is a mess. Just sayin'. He made Stephanie run out of the restaurant and Jennifer's going after her. Now I'm over here trying to make Donnie understand:

"Donnie, what the heck is wrong with you? You shouldn't treat a girl like that. You should know..." I think that last part ticked him off again.

"I would know?" Donnie repeated, "Jordan, maybe I just don't need to be with her. Maybe I just don't need to be with anyone!"

"Are you kidding? Donnie, you were so happy when you were with her. Why are you treating her like road kill? Don't you miss her?" I knew he wasn't gonna confess to me. The only person he'd talk to about his feelings was Steph. I guess he knew that I knew that.

Jennifer came back into the restaurant out of breath, "Guys! I think Stephanie went back to her apartment to cool off. Donnie, you can go head home if you want. I need to talk to Jordan privately." He walked off with a bored but irritated look on his face.

"Jordan, she's really upset at him." Jenn said.

"I know, and I know Donnie misses her. I know he wouldn't confess any of his feelings to me, but the only person he would, would be Stephanie. Maybe we can just get them together on a private date!" I suggested.

"Oooh! Good idea! I'll pick a nice place!" She cheered.

So apparently, we're gonna put them together on a sort of blind-date tonight, but privately. Then I manned up a little and I finally asked out Jennifer on a sort of date over at Starbucks. She didn't think of it as a date at all, but I kinda left out that part when I talked to her anyway.

I knocked at Jennifer's apartment door around 7 o'clock sharp.

"Oh! Hey, Jordan! I didn't expect you to be here!" She said sounding freaked out. Did I come too soon?

"Uh, don't you remember? I told you I'd pick you up to go to Starbucks to plan some more on Donnie and Steph." I reminded her.

"Oh yeah! Right. Well, I'm almost ready. Why don't you come in and wait on the couch while I finish up...Woah!" Jennifer slid on one of her magazines and I caught her before she fell. We were at least two inches apart from each other. Now I knew it was the perfect moment, and I think she knew it, too.

We started zooming in to kiss, slowly closing our eyes, when- BAM! Stephanie whacks open the door like she had some "giant news" she had to tell Jennifer. Well, maybe she did... maybe.

"JENNIFER! You would not believe-" She stopped when she noticed us about to kiss. "Uh, I thought you said you were just friends..." She started backing away slowly toward the door.

"No, no!" Jennifer said a little too fast, "Trust me, we almost hate each other! Right, Jordan?" She glanced at me.

I look down a little disappointed, "Right." I mumbled. Dang! I really wanted to kiss her! I bet her lips were as soft as a fuzzy blanket or something. I know that sounds stupid, but... I sometimes debate if I never stopped loving her, even when we broke up. And this whole "planning" thing at Starbucks to get Donnie and Stephanie back together, will be just what I need to get to know her more. Plus, I'd like to see Donnie in a better attitude for once.

"Right!" She repeated a little too loudly, "Jordan, could you go into the bathroom for a few minutes? I need to talk to Stephanie." I look back to where her bathroom is, and all I see is a small, pink wallpapered room with giant puffs of smoke coming out of it, for some reason.

A little freaked out at what I'm gonna feel when I get in there, I say, "Alright..." And I trudge in.

I close the door behind me, and I realize what the big puff of clouds were: Hairspray. Lots and lots of hairspray. I start suffocating immediately.

I don't know how much longer I can take of this stuff..!

It feels like she's been talking to Steph for hours. I've just been sitting in the empty bath tub with my Adidas sticking out, waiting... Trying to stay low while the hairspray rises...

While- "Jordan! You can come out now!" Jennifer called. My tongue felt like sand paper.

I crawled out of the door while I was still alive, "How..." I cough out a breath of hairspray, "Dare you..."

"I'm sorry J..." Jennifer said sincerely. She called me "J" again! We're making some progress... Until she saw the look on Stephanie's face of disgust.

She slowly made out her words, "I mean, J-or-dan! Ha-ha! Jordan! I guess I, like, coughed on air or something." And then she winked at me which gave me hope. And then she helped me up. Thank goodness, too. 'Cause the floor was cold!

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