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Why was this so hard? Why? It's not like he's the one who's dying (That's a scary thought!). And yes, I'm aware that he'll be back soon (in like, a month...). But I guess we've been together for so long that I'm just not used to not seeing him at days at a time. Now that makes me frustrated. There's got to be a way I can see him!! No matter what it takes. And then, it hit me...

"Hey, guys," I walk out to Jenn's kitchen since I went back to my apartment to let out a good hysterical sob.

When I enter Jennifer's place, I'm pretty sure I walked into a crime scene. Jennifer was sprawled out on the floor with an expression of death on her face while Jordan... was getting a glass of milk? With a smile on his face?

Jordan made me think of a 50's housewife, "Oh! I didn't notice that you came in, Stephanie! Would you like a glass of milk? Don't worry, it's whole. Not that skim stuff that your mom always kept in the fridge."

I was puzzled to the max, "Milk? Milk? How can you happily serve yourself a glass of milk when your best friend and my boyfriend is gone?!"

"Well, you see," Here we go! "I've been around Donnie longer than you or Jenn, and I'm used to him being gone for long periods of time since his family moved around a lot in elementary school."

"Ugh! Jordan, that was elementary school, though! This is college, where we're all closer together! That is not a valid answer for me!"

He tried again, "Well, maybe some people recuperate faster than others..."

I get frustrated at him and step over Jennifer and into the kitchen with Jordan. "Just gimme a half glass of milk." He satisfyingly pours half a glass for me, and I swipe it away from him and chug it, annoyed.

Jennifer finally woke up from her (I don't even know what to call it) depressing coma. She yawned and said while on the ground, "Oh, hey Stephanie. How long have you been in here?"

"Long enough to watch Jordan get a class of milk while not caring about Donnie's departure!" I snap back.

Jordan tries to back himself up, "Hey! Of course I feel bad about it, but there's nothing else we can do now!"

I slump down in one of Jenn's kitchen table chairs, "Well, I guess if you wanna put it that way..." But then I remembered my idea and I spring back up. "Unless, we could surprise him!"

Jenn sits up from the floor, "Surprise him? Stephanie, he's all the way in Maine. Do you even know where he lives?"

I smile, "I could always ask his mom about the idea. C'mon guys! It would be fun! Something different, you know? Besides, I highly doubt Donnie feels any worse than we do about him leaving."

"It's a stretch." Jordan admits. "But it could actually be easier than getting everyone down here for Thanksgiving. Way easier."

"See? What'd ya say, Jenn?" I try to convince her. I can feel like she's gonna dive in and join Jordan and I.

Jenn confirms, "Alright. Another adventure, right?" Yes! I knew it! Time to pack our bags! We're going to Maine!

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